Resolution: Not a Bug
Description of problem:
In Grafana, many of the dashboards graphs had lines overlayed but in OpenShift WebConsole graphs are stacked. This makes it hard to read as many values don't make sense stacked, such as Network Throughput. Additionally, there is no way to enable/disable series on a graph to limit the items and review what is being investigated. This can be done in Grafana by clicking on the items in the legend. Customization of the colour-pallet would also be appreciated as it can be hard to discern between different series on the same graph.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install OpenShift 4.13 2. Review the Dashboards panel within the OpenShift Console
Actual results:
Individual values on Graphs are hard to discern due to colour-pallet and stacked layout.
Expected results:
Individual values on Graphs were easier to observe/read.
Additional info:
The ability to configure the colour-pallet and/or change more items on the displayed graphs, including stacked/overlayed, enabling/disabling series.