Description of problem
When updating a 4.13 cluster to 4.14, the new-in-4.14 ImageRegistry capability will always be enabled, because capabilities cannot be uninstalled.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable)
4.14 oc should learn about this, so they will appropriately extract registry CredentialsRequests when connecting to 4.13 clusters for 4.14 manifests. 4.15 oc will get OTA-1010 to handle this kind of issue automatically, but there's no problem with getting an ImageRegistry hack into 4.15 engineering candidates in the meantime.
How reproducible
Steps to Reproduce
1. Connect your oc to a 4.13 cluster.
2. Extract manifests for a 4.14 release.
3. Check for ImageRegistry CredentialsRequests.
Actual results
$ oc adm upgrade | head -n1 Cluster version is 4.13.12 $ oc adm release extract --included --credentials-requests --to credentials-requests $ grep -r ImageRegistry credentials-requests hits...
Expected results
$ oc adm upgrade | head -n1 Cluster version is 4.13.12 $ oc adm release extract --included --credentials-requests --to credentials-requests $ grep -r ImageRegistry credentials-requests credentials-requests/0000_50_cluster-image-registry-operator_01-registry-credentials-request.yaml: ImageRegistry
Additional info
We already do this for MachineAPI. The ImageRegistry capability landed later, and this is us catching the oc-extract hack up with that change.
- is related to
OCPBUGS-24249 [alibabacloud] "oc adm" extracting credentials requests with options "--included" and "--install-config" won't extract machine-api operator's CR
- Closed
- relates to
OCPBUGS-34546 [IBMCloud] oc adm release extract missing Ingress CredentialsRequest
- New
- links to