Resolution: Won't Do
Description of problem:
When running the cleanup script provided from the github page the script does not remove the klusterlet CRD. So when trying to detach a cluster and import it back you receive the following error:
The cluster cannot be imported because its Klusterlet CRD already exists. Either the cluster was already imported, or it was not detached completely during a previous detach process. Detach the existing cluster before trying the import again.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. oc login to a cluster that has the klusterlet CRD 2. run cleanup shell script 3. execute generated command from RHACM Infrastructure tab
Actual results:
The cluster cannot be imported because its Klusterlet CRD already exists. Either the cluster was already imported, or it was not detached completely during a previous detach process. Detach the existing cluster before trying the import again.
Expected results:
Cluster is connected to hub cluster and becomes available/connected
Additional info:
I found an old bug from a previous version with this same issue https://github.com/stolostron/deploy/issues/179
Here is the cleanup script: #!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2020 Red Hat, Inc. ###############################################################################if [ -z "${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}" ]; then OPERATOR_NAMESPACE="open-cluster-management-agent-addon" fiif [ -z "${KLUSTERLET_NAMESPACE}" ]; then KLUSTERLET_NAMESPACE="open-cluster-management-agent" fiKUBECTL=oc# Force delete klusterlet echo "attempt to delete klusterlet" ${KUBECTL} delete klusterlet klusterlet --timeout=60s ${KUBECTL} delete namespace ${KLUSTERLET_NAMESPACE} --wait=false echo "force removing klusterlet" ${KUBECTL} patch klusterlet klusterlet --type="json" -p '[{"op": "remove", "path":"/metadata/finalizers"}]' echo "removing klusterlet crd" ${KUBECTL} delete crd klusterlets.operator.open-cluster-management.io --timeout=30s# Force delete all component CRDs if they still exist component_crds=( applicationmanagers.agent.open-cluster-management.io certpolicycontrollers.agent.open-cluster-management.io iampolicycontrollers.agent.open-cluster-management.io policycontrollers.agent.open-cluster-management.io searchcollectors.agent.open-cluster-management.io workmanagers.agent.open-cluster-management.io appliedmanifestworks.work.open-cluster-management.io klusterlets.operator.open-cluster-management.io )for crd in "${component_crds[@]}"; do echo "force delete all CustomResourceDefinition ${crd} resources..." for resource in `${KUBECTL} get ${crd} -o name -n ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}`; do echo "attempt to delete ${crd} resource ${resource}..." ${KUBECTL} delete ${resource} -n ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE} --timeout=30s echo "force remove ${crd} resource ${resource}..." ${KUBECTL} patch ${resource} -n ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE} --type="json" -p '[{"op": "remove", "path":"/metadata/finalizers"}]' done echo "force delete all CustomResourceDefinition ${crd} resources..." ${KUBECTL} delete crd ${crd} done${KUBECTL} delete namespace ${OPERATOR_NAMESPACE}