Resolution: Duplicate
Description of problem:
OCP + ODF (Openshift Data Foundation): ODF plugin adds provisioners to StorageClass creation form (https://github.com/red-hat-storage/odf-console/blob/master/plugins/odf/console-extensions.json#L265-L437), but form is not working properly if any of dynamic provisioners are selected.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
4.14 (OCP)
How reproducible:
Please refer the recordings (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/14aSJs-lO6HC-2xYFlOTJtCZIQg3ekE85?usp=sharing): "odf_installation.mp4" >> on how to install ODF (and its dynamic plugin), create StorageSystem resource and wait for a while (5-10mins) for ODF related StorageClasses to get created. "sc_creation_with_provisioner.mp4" >> StorageClass form UI, and how it behaves.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Install ODF operator. 2. Create StorageSystem (once dynamic plugin is loaded). 3. Wait for a while for ODF related StorageClasses gets created. 4. Once they are created, go to "Create StorageSystem" form. 5. Switch to provisioners added by ODF dynamic plugin.
Actual results:
1. Once you switch to say "cephfs" provisioner (added by ODF plugin), then switch back to any of the default provisioner, u will notice that coderef UI component (for SC "parameters") injected by that provisioner's extension point won't reset. 2. Form will not allow to add any inputs after that (try editing name, description etc in the StorageClass form or "parameters" coderef UI section). 3. Sometimes form gives TypeError (runtime) on the field "parameters" (I was not able to reproduce it everytime, so was not able to copy exact error message).
Expected results:
UI should behave as it was working earlier, with form working correctly with provisioners added by the dynamic plugins.
Additional info:
https://github.com/openshift/console/pull/13036 could be the reason for this.
- duplicates
OCPBUGS-18996 "Create StorageClass" form breaks when a dynamic provisioner is selected
- Closed