Resolution: Done-Errata
Description of problem:
Install IPI cluster where all nodes are provisioned from azure marketplace image with purchase plan. install-config.yaml: --------------------------- platform: azure: region: eastus baseDomainResourceGroupName: os4-common defaultMachinePlatform: osImage: publisher: Redhat <---- contains uppercase letter offer: rh-ocp-worker sku: rh-ocp-worker version: 4.8.2021122100 plan: WithPurchasePlan as some marketplace images are free without plan, so pulisher in install-config should come from output of `az vm image list` # az vm image list --offer rh-ocp-worker --all -otable Architecture Offer Publisher Sku Urn Version -------------- ------------- -------------- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- x64 rh-ocp-worker redhat-limited rh-ocp-worker redhat-limited:rh-ocp-worker:rh-ocp-worker:4.8.2021122100 4.8.2021122100 x64 rh-ocp-worker RedHat rh-ocp-worker RedHat:rh-ocp-worker:rh-ocp-worker:4.8.2021122100 4.8.2021122100 x64 rh-ocp-worker redhat-limited rh-ocp-worker-gen1 redhat-limited:rh-ocp-worker:rh-ocp-worker-gen1:4.8.2021122100 4.8.2021122100 x64 rh-ocp-worker RedHat rh-ocp-worker-gen1 RedHat:rh-ocp-worker:rh-ocp-worker-gen1:4.8.2021122100 4.8.2021122100 the image plan is as below, its publisher is lowercase. # az vm image show --urn RedHat:rh-ocp-worker:rh-ocp-worker:4.8.2021122100 --query plan { "name": "rh-ocp-worker", "product": "rh-ocp-worker", "publisher": "redhat" } From installer https://github.com/openshift/installer/blob/master/data/data/azure/bootstrap/main.tf#L243-L246, publisher property in image plan is from pulisher what we set in install-config.yaml, installer should use the publisher property from image plan output. But image plan is case-sensitive, bootstrap instance is provisioned failed with below error in such case. Unable to deploy from the Marketplace image or a custom image sourced from Marketplace image. The part number in the purchase information for VM '/subscriptions/53b8f551-f0fc-4bea-8cba-6d1fefd54c8a/resourceGroups/jima15image1-flg24-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/jima15image1-flg24-bootstrap' is not as expected. Beware that the Plan object's properties are case-sensitive. Learn more about common virtual machine error codes. similar errors when provisioning worker instances from this image where image publisher contains upper case but publisher in its plan is all lowercase. worker machineset: ---------------------------- Spec: Lifecycle Hooks: Metadata: Provider ID: azure:///subscriptions/53b8f551-f0fc-4bea-8cba-6d1fefd54c8a/resourceGroups/ci-op-cc5g2rw8-55267-q66k7-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/ci-op-cc5g2rw8-55267-q66k7-worker-southcentralus1-dq6sp Provider Spec: Value: Accelerated Networking: true API Version: machine.openshift.io/v1beta1 Credentials Secret: Name: azure-cloud-credentials Namespace: openshift-machine-api Diagnostics: Boot: Storage Account Type: AzureManaged Image: Offer: rh-ocp-worker Publisher: RedHat Resource ID: Sku: rh-ocp-worker Type: WithPurchasePlan Version: 4.8.2021122100 Kind: AzureMachineProviderSpec Location: southcentralus Managed Identity: ci-op-cc5g2rw8-55267-q66k7-identity error when provision worker instance: Unable to deploy from the Marketplace image or a custom image sourced from Marketplace image. The part number in the purchase information for VM '/subscriptions/53b8f551-f0fc-4bea-8cba-6d1fefd54c8a/resourceGroups/ci-op-cc5g2rw8-55267-q66k7-rg/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/ci-op-cc5g2rw8-55267-q66k7-worker-southcentralus1-mmr2h' is not as expected. Beware that the Plan object's properties are case-sensitive. Learn more about common virtual machine error codes.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Always on 4.14 for bootstrap/masters Always on 4.11+ for workers
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Config osImage for all nodes in install-config, set publisher to RedHat 2. install cluster. 3.
Actual results:
Bootstrap instance is provisioned failed.
Expected results:
installation is successful.
Additional info:
Installation is successful when setting publisher to "redhat"