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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-1740

[4.10] ironic clear_job_queue and reset_idrac pending issues


    • None
    • 1
    • Metal Platform 225, Metal Platform 226
    • 2
    • Proposed
    • False
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      Description of problem:

      I checked the log of the ironic-conductor container to get the shared lock of iDRAC, but the next installation does not proceed.
      Provision Node
       ㄴ bootstrap
          ㄴ ironic-conductor    --- pending --> iDRAC8 (Baremetal master1,2,3)

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      1) baremetal inventory
         - Dell R630 firmware 2.75.75
         - iDRAC8
      2) nodes
      provisioning node, master 1,2,3
      3) network : static IP(no DHCP) and bond/vlan
                   disconnected installation

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Preparing to configure ipi on the provisioning node
         - RHEL 8 ( haproxy, named, mirror registry, rhcos_cache_server ..)
      2. configuring the install-config.yaml (attached)
      3. deploy the cluster

      Actual results:

      ironic does an iso mount to baremetal via idrac and starts coreos booting

      Expected results:

      ironic has established a session with idrac, but the installation does not proceed.

      Additional info:

      ## curl <idrac api>
          "error": {
              "@Message.ExtendedInfo": [
                      "Message": "The request failed due to an internal service error.  The service is still operational.",
                      "MessageArgs": [],
                      "MessageArgs@odata.count": 0,
                      "MessageId": "Base.1.2.InternalError",
                      "RelatedProperties": [],
                      "RelatedProperties@odata.count": 0,
                      "Resolution": "Resubmit the request.  If the problem persists, consider resetting the service.",
                      "Severity": "Critical"
              "code": "Base.1.2.GeneralError",
              "message": "A general error has occurred. See ExtendedInfo for more information"

            janders@redhat.com Jacob Anders
            rhn-support-aapark Jisang Park
            Pedro Jose Amoedo Martinez Pedro Jose Amoedo Martinez
            0 Vote for this issue
            10 Start watching this issue
