Resolution: Done
ShiftStack Sprint 225, ShiftStack Sprint 226
Description of problem:
Currently when installing Openshift on the Openstack cluster name length limit is allowed to 14 characters. Customer wants to know if is it possible to override this validation when installing Openshift on Openstack and create a cluster name that is greater than 14 characters. Version : OCP 4.8.5 UPI Disconnected Environment : Openstack 16 Issue: User reports that they are getting error for OCP cluster in Openstack UPI, where the name of the cluster is > 14 characters. Error events : ~~~ fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["/usr/local/bin/openshift-install", "create", "manifests", "--dir=/home/gitlab-runner/builds/WK8mkokN/0/CPE/SKS/pipelines/non-prod/ocp4-openstack-build/ocpinstaller/install-upi"], "delta": "0:00:00.311397", "end": "2022-09-03 21:38:41.974608", "msg": "non-zero return code", "rc": 1, "start": "2022-09-03 21:38:41.663211", "stderr": "level=fatal msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset \"Install Config\": invalid \"install-config.yaml\" file: metadata.name: Invalid value: \"sks-osp-inf-cpe-1-cbr1a\": cluster name is too long, please restrict it to 14 characters", "stderr_lines": ["level=fatal msg=failed to fetch Master Machines: failed to load asset \"Install Config\": invalid \"install-config.yaml\" file: metadata.name: Invalid value: \"sks-osp-inf-cpe-1-cbr1a\": cluster name is too long, please restrict it to 14 characters"], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []} ~~~
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
Actual results:
Users are getting error "cluster name is too long" when clustername contains more than 14 characters for OCP on Openstack
Expected results:
The 14 characters limit should be change for the OCP clustername on Openstack
Additional info:
- depends on
OCPBUGS-1349 [OCPonOpenstack] Remove clustername length limitation
- Closed
- links to