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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-17116

There is few way that node with role "worker" can be choose as rendezvous node in agent deployment


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      Description of problem:In 2 case worker node can be choose as rendezvous node

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 4.12.25

      How reproducible:1
      Install-config yaml and rendezvousIP set to one of the worker node IP or
      Don't mention rendezvousIP at all but in the agent-config.yaml put the worker node on the first place

      Steps to Reproduce:{code:none}
      1.Install-config yaml and rendezvousIP set to one of the worker node IP or
      Don't mention rendezvousIP at all but in the agent-config.yaml put the worker node on the first place 

      Actual results:

      Worker node chooses to be the rendezvous node and after 2 control plane nodes installed the api hand over to the third node that act as control plan and then hand over again to one of the control plane node that has been installed

      Expected results:

      In case the user define one of the worker nodes as rendezvousIP in the install-config.yaml the agent creation should be failed
      In case there is no rendezvousIP in the install-config.yaml the first agent with both role master and static ip should be choose as rendezvous node. 
      Additional info:{code:none}
      need to be check:
      The first node with role master have DHCP only IPs 
      Another test - There is no static IP for all the master nodes, but at least one of the worker have static IP

            afasano@redhat.com Andrea Fasano
            rhalle@redhat.com Rei Halle
            Manoj Hans Manoj Hans
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
