Resolution: Won't Do
CFE Sprint 239, CFE Sprint 240
Description of problem:
After https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-16393 , found stable-v1.11 can install 1.10.2.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
cert-manager-operator bundle v1.11.4-4
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Launch a 4.13 OCP cluster. 2. Check the "openshift-cert-manager-operator" packagemanifests: $ oc get packagemanifest -n openshift-marketplace -o yaml -l catalog=redhat-operators --field-selector metadata.name=openshift-cert-manager-operator > packagemanifest-redhat-operators-4.13.yaml $ vi -R packagemanifest-redhat-operators-4.13.yaml ... channels: - currentCSV: cert-manager-operator.v1.10.2 ... entries: - name: cert-manager-operator.v1.10.2 version: 1.10.2 name: stable-v1.10 - currentCSV: cert-manager-operator.v1.11.4 ... entries: - name: cert-manager-operator.v1.11.4 version: 1.11.4 - name: cert-manager-operator.v1.11.1 version: 1.11.1 - name: cert-manager-operator.v1.10.2 version: 1.10.2 name: stable-v1.11 - currentCSV: cert-manager-operator.v1.11.4 entries: - name: cert-manager-operator.v1.11.4 version: 1.11.4 - name: cert-manager-operator.v1.11.1 version: 1.11.1 - name: cert-manager-operator.v1.10.2 version: 1.10.2 name: stable-v1 defaultChannel: stable-v1 packageName: openshift-cert-manager-operator
Actual results:
For "name: stable-v1.11", it includes "version: 1.10.2" in "entries".
Expected results:
For "name: stable-v1", it is good to include "version: 1.10.2" in "entries". But for "name: stable-v1.11", seems it should not include "version: 1.10.2" in "entries".
Additional info:
The meaning of "entries" says "Entries lists all CSVs in the channel". Channel stable-v1.11 should not list the 1.10.2 CSV:
$ oc explain packagemanifest.status.channels.entries ... DESCRIPTION: Entries lists all CSVs in the channel, with their upgrade edges. ChannelEntry defines a member of a package channel. ...
And the Subscription manifest using stable-v1.11 with 1.10.2 as CSV is able to install the operator as below. Should this be expected?
$ oc create -f - << EOF apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1 kind: Subscription metadata: name: openshift-cert-manager-operator namespace: cert-manager-operator spec: channel: stable-v1.11 installPlanApproval: Manual name: openshift-cert-manager-operator source: redhat-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace startingCSV: cert-manager-operator.v1.10.2 EOF $ oc get ip -n cert-manager-operator NAME CSV APPROVAL APPROVED install-r97st cert-manager-operator.v1.10.2 Manual false $ oc patch --type=merge ip install-r97st -n cert-manager-operator -p " spec: approved: true" $ oc get csv -n cert-manager-operator NAME DISPLAY VERSION REPLACES PHASE cert-manager-operator.v1.10.2 cert-manager Operator for Red Hat OpenShift 1.10.2 Succeeded
- is related to
OCPBUGS-16393 Released operator versions are disappearing (at least in brew.registry.redhat.io/rh-osbs/iib-pub-pending:v4.xx)
- Closed