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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-16341

Cypress integration tests from "app/auth-multiuser-login" are failing on OCP 4.14.0 cluster


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Minor Minor
    • None
    • 4.14.0
    • Management Console
    • No
    • False
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      Description of problem:

      # Cluster Details:
      1. Cluster version-
      [root@rdr-ah-414-ec3-lon06-bastion-0 ~]# oc version
      Client Version: 4.14.0-ec.3
      Kustomize Version: v5.0.1
      Server Version: 4.14.0-ec.3
      Kubernetes Version: v1.27.3+e8b13aa
      2. cluster CO status:
      [root@rdr-ah-414-ec3-lon06-bastion-0 ~]# oc get co | awk '{ if($5 == "True") print $1 }'
      [root@rdr-ah-414-ec3-lon06-bastion-0 ~]#
      3. Arch: ppc64le
      # Test repo: https://github.com/openshift/console
      # Branch: release-4.14
      # Description:
      The Cypress tests from "app/auth-multiuser-login" are failing on OCP 4.14.0 for ppc64le cluster with the following error:
      1) Auth test
             logs in as 'test' user via htpasswd identity provider:
           AssertionError: Timed out retrying after 30000ms: Expected to find element: `[data-test="user-dropdown"]`, but never found it.
            at Object.shouldBeVisible (https://console-openshift-console.apps.rdr-ah-414-ec3.ibm.com/__cypress/tests?p=tests/app/auth-multiuser-login.spec.ts:13993:14)
            at Context.eval (https://console-openshift-console.apps.rdr-ah-414-ec3.ibm.com/__cypress/tests?p=tests/app/auth-multiuser-login.spec.ts:13509:75)  2) Auth test
             "after each" hook for "logs in as 'test' user via htpasswd identity provider":
           CypressError: `cy.click()` failed because it requires a DOM element.The subject received was:  > `undefined`The previous command that ran was:  > `cy.get()`
      When checked manually, the UI elements has being rendered with the correct text.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      Running integration Cypress tests from "tests/app/auth-multiuser-login"

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deploy a OCP cluster with version 4.14.0 for ppc64le
      2. Clone the repo https://github.com/openshift/console and build the code for branch release-4.14
      3. Run the integration Cypress tests from "tests/app/auth-multiuser-login"

      Actual results:

      Tests are failing with AssertionError for unable to found the expected UI element in the test.

      Expected results:

      Test should pass


      Output log and screen recording: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1idT8gd9fvP46rjmkPBSGxslVhr_rytay?usp=drive_link

            jhadvig@redhat.com Jakub Hadvig
            rh-ee-ahonkala Aditya Honkalas
            Xiyun Zhao Xiyun Zhao
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