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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-16143

Setting SchedulerPolicy to highNodeUtilization breaks high availability


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      Description of problem:

      When we set schedulerpolicy to HighNodeUtilization, multiple pods of the same application are scheduled on the same node even though there is affinity set for the pods to make sure that 2 pods are not running on the same node

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      All OCP version where SchedulerPolicy can be used

      How reproducible:

      Sharing the steps below

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. install ES and CLO with node count for ES set to 3
      2. Once installed check the output of 3 CDM pods for ES all will be running on the different node
      3. Now set the Scheduler profile as per the document(https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.13/nodes/scheduling/nodes-scheduler-profiles.html) to HighNodeUtilization
      4. Now Scale down all ES pods and scale them back after all the pods are deleted
      => Scale down
      $ for pod in `oc get deployment.apps -l component=elasticsearch -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'`; do oc scale deployment.apps/$pod --replicas=0; done
      => Scale up
      $ for pod in `oc get deployment.apps -l component=elasticsearch -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}'`; do oc scale deployment.apps/$pod --replicas=1; done
      5. Check the nodes where ES pods are scheduled 2 pods will be running on same node.
      6. Delete any 1 ES CDM pod that will allow the newly created pod to be scheduled on a node where there is no ES pods already scheduled

      Actual results:

      2ES pods are on same node 

      Expected results:

      2 ES pods should not be running on same node

      Additional info:

      I have already reproduce this inlab and will be happy if needed a demo

            jchaloup@redhat.com Jan Chaloupka
            rhn-support-ssonigra Sonigra Saurab
            Rama Kasturi Narra Rama Kasturi Narra
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
