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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-15259

Recommended siteconfig for pre-caching causes ACM 2.8 converged flow deployment of spoke failure


    • No
    • CNF RAN Sprint 239, CNF RAN Sprint 240
    • 2
    • False
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      Description of problem:

      Deployment of a 4.13.z SNO spoke from a hub cluster with ACM 2.8 fails. The
      failure is caused by warning messages generated by the recommended siteconfig
      for pre-caching as described here: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.13/scalability_and_performance/ztp_far_edge/ztp-precaching-tool.html#ztp-pre-caching-config-con_pre-caching
      Specifically the ignitionConfigOverride key/value
      The recommended pre-caching configuration likely needs to be updated to correct this issue, and least for OCP 4.13+

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OCP 4.13.z (hub and spoke)
      ACM 2.8 (hub)

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Depoloy 4.13.z hub cluster with ACM 2.8
      2. Attempt to deploy spoke with OCP 4.13.z with the DU profile, including the
         recommended configuration for pre-caching as linked above. 

      Actual results:

      Spoke deployment fails and generates the following warning messages on the console (orange text). Image also linked in a comment below


      Expected results:

      Spoke deployment succeeds

      Additional info:

      Removing the ignitionConfigOverride entry from the siteconfig allows install to succeed.

      An alternate workaround is to disable the ACM 2.8 "converged flow" installation
      path, which is the default, with code like this:

      hub$ cat <<EOF | kubectl create -f -
      > apiVersion: v1
      > kind: ConfigMap
      > metadata:
      >   name: my-assisted-service-config
      >   namespace: multicluster-engine
      > data:
      >   ALLOW_CONVERGED_FLOW: "false"
      > EOF
      configmap/my-assisted-service-config created
      hub$ oc annotate --overwrite AgentServiceConfig agent unsupported.agent-install.openshift.io/assisted-service-configmap=my-assisted-service-config

            dpenney1@redhat.com Don Penney
            rhn-support-dgonyier Dwaine Gonyier
            Ofer Bochan Ofer Bochan
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
