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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-15200

"Cluster operator X is updating versions" is not a reason for Failing=True condition


    • No
    • 3
    • OTA 254, OTA 255, OTA 256, OTA 257, OTA 258, OTA 259
    • 6
    • False
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      *Cause*: The Cluster Version Operator did not filter out internal errors propagated to the ClusterVersion Failing condition message.
      *Consequence*: Errors that do not impact negatively the update were being shown in the message of the ClusterVersion Failing condition.
      *Fix*: The errors propagated to the Failing condition message are now being filtered.
      *Result*: Bug doesn’t present anymore.
      *Cause*: The Cluster Version Operator did not filter out internal errors propagated to the ClusterVersion Failing condition message. *Consequence*: Errors that do not impact negatively the update were being shown in the message of the ClusterVersion Failing condition. *Fix*: The errors propagated to the Failing condition message are now being filtered. *Result*: Bug doesn’t present anymore.
    • Bug Fix
    • In Progress

      Description of problem:

      During the build02 update from 4.14.0-ec.1 to ec.2 I have noticed the following:

      $ b02 get clusterversion version -o json | jq '.status.conditions[] | select (.type=="Failing")'
        "lastTransitionTime": "2023-06-20T13:40:12Z",
        "message": "Multiple errors are preventing progress:\n* Cluster operator authentication is updating versions\n* Could not update customresourcedefinition \"alertingrules.monitoring.openshift.io\" (512 of 993): the object is invalid, possibly due to local cluster configuration",
        "reason": "MultipleErrors",
        "status": "True",
        "type": "Failing"

      There is a valid error (the Could not update customresourcedefinition... one) but the whole thing is cluttered by the "Cluster operator authentication is updating versions" message, which is imo not a legit reason for Failing=True condition and should not be there. Before I captured this one I saw the message with three operators instead of just one.

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      No idea

            dhurta@redhat.com David Hurta
            afri@afri.cz Petr Muller
            Dinesh Kumar S Dinesh Kumar S
            0 Vote for this issue
            9 Start watching this issue
