Resolution: Duplicate
4.13.0, 4.12.z, 4.11.z, 4.10.z, 4.14.0
Description of problem:
The correct endpoint is s3.<region>.amazonaws.com.cn, by simply search %s.s3.%s.amazonaws.com in CCO repo, I found some hard codes [1][2][3][4] are being used. This will cause: * ccoctl aws create-all w/o --create-private-s3-bucket 2023/05/15 02:06:12 Generating RSA keypair 2023/05/15 02:06:14 Writing private key to awscn-cr/serviceaccount-signer.private 2023/05/15 02:06:14 Writing public key to awscn-cr/serviceaccount-signer.public 2023/05/15 02:06:14 Copying signing key for use by installer 2023/05/15 02:06:20 Bucket js-awscn-oidc created 2023/05/15 02:06:21 OpenID Connect discovery document in the S3 bucket js-awscn-oidc at .well-known/openid-configuration updated 2023/05/15 02:06:21 Reading public key 2023/05/15 02:06:22 JSON web key set (JWKS) in the S3 bucket js-awscn-oidc at keys.json updated 2023/05/15 02:06:27 Failed to create Identity provider: failed to get fingerprint: dial tcp: lookup js-awscn-oidc.s3.cn-north-1.amazonaws.com on no such host * ccoctl aws create-all with --create-private-s3-bucket 2023/05/15 02:10:20 Generating RSA keypair 2023/05/15 02:10:22 Writing private key to awscn2-cr/serviceaccount-signer.private 2023/05/15 02:10:22 Writing public key to awscn2-cr/serviceaccount-signer.public 2023/05/15 02:10:22 Copying signing key for use by installer 2023/05/15 02:10:29 Bucket js-awscn2-oidc created 2023/05/15 02:10:36 CloudFront origin access identity created with ID EVBG3EU7J3SX3, waiting 30s for it to become active 2023/05/15 02:11:12 Failed to create Identity provider: failed to add policy for the bucket js-awscn2-oidc: MalformedPolicy: Invalid principal in policy status code: 400, request id: 7M7NC6VPHSFJ0WHJ, host id: /6c0HLoGdDDqgE8J1N6O3XUNEb/ltRgizBqu3t/HsxHmYWmjv4kDDy/UXdHP3IZY3S3VXI3qjWc= [1] https://github.com/openshift/cloud-credential-operator/blob/master/pkg/cmd/provisioning/aws/create_identity_provider.go#L118-L119 [2] https://github.com/openshift/cloud-credential-operator/blob/master/pkg/cmd/provisioning/aws/create_identity_provider.go#L136 [3] https://github.com/openshift/cloud-credential-operator/blob/master/pkg/cmd/provisioning/aws/create_identity_provider.go#L433 [3] https://github.com/openshift/cloud-credential-operator/blob/master/pkg/cmd/provisioning/aws/create_identity_provider.go#L565
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run command ./ccoctl aws create-all --name=<sts-name> --create-private-s3-bucket --region=cn-north-1 --credentials-requests-dir=./credrequests-aws --output-dir awscn2-cr on AWS China regions
Actual results:
Failed to create Identity provider
Expected results:
Create resources successfully.
Additional info:
- clones
OCPBUGS-13623 [ccoctl] --create-private-s3-bucket option is not supported on AWS GovCloud
- New
- duplicates
OCPBUGS-13623 [ccoctl] --create-private-s3-bucket option is not supported on AWS GovCloud
- New