Resolution: Done-Errata
4.13.0, 4.12.0, 4.14.0, 4.15
Hypershift Sprint 237, Hypershift Sprint 238, Hypershift Sprint 239, Hypershift Sprint 240, Hypershift Sprint 241, Hypershift Sprint 242, Hypershift Sprint 243
Bug Fix
Description of problem:
Add Audit configuration for hypershift Hosted Cluster not working as expected.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
# oc get clusterversions.config.openshift.io NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING SINCE STATUS version 4.13.0-0.nightly-2023-05-04-090524 True False 15m Cluster version is 4.13.0-0.nightly-2023-05-04-090524
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Get hypershift hosted cluster detail from management cluster. # hostedcluster=$( oc get -n clusters hostedclusters -o json | jq -r .items[].metadata.name) 2. Apply audit profile for hypershift hosted cluster. # oc patch HostedCluster $hostedcluster -n clusters -p '{"spec": {"configuration": {"apiServer": {"audit": {"profile": "WriteRequestBodies"}}}}}' --type merge hostedcluster.hypershift.openshift.io/85ea85757a5a14355124 patched # oc get HostedCluster $hostedcluster -n clusters -ojson | jq .spec.configuration.apiServer.audit { "profile": "WriteRequestBodies" } 3. Check Pod or operator restart to apply configuration changes. # oc get pods -l app=kube-apiserver -n clusters-${hostedcluster} NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kube-apiserver-7c98b66949-9z6rw 5/5 Running 0 36m kube-apiserver-7c98b66949-gp5rx 5/5 Running 0 36m kube-apiserver-7c98b66949-wmk8x 5/5 Running 0 36m # oc get pods -l app=openshift-apiserver -n clusters-${hostedcluster} NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE openshift-apiserver-dc4c84ff4-566z9 3/3 Running 0 29m openshift-apiserver-dc4c84ff4-99zq9 3/3 Running 0 29m openshift-apiserver-dc4c84ff4-9xdrz 3/3 Running 0 30m 4. Check generated audit log. # NOW=$(date -u "+%s"); echo "$NOW"; echo "$NOW" > now 1683711189 # kaspod=$(oc get pods -l app=kube-apiserver -n clusters-${hostedcluster} --no-headers -o=jsonpath={.items[0].metadata.name}) # oc logs $kaspod -c audit-logs -n clusters-${hostedcluster} > kas-audit.log # cat kas-audit.log | grep -iE '"verb":"(get|list|watch)","user":.*(requestObject|responseObject)' | jq -c 'select (.requestReceivedTimestamp | .[0:19] + "Z" | fromdateiso8601 > '"`cat now`)" | wc -l 0 # cat kas-audit.log | grep -iE '"verb":"(create|delete|patch|update)","user":.*(requestObject|responseObject)' | jq -c 'select (.requestReceivedTimestamp | .[0:19] + "Z" | fromdateiso8601 > '"`cat now`)" | wc -l 0 All results should not be zero In backend it should apply the configuration or pod/operator restart after configuration changes.
Actual results:
Config changes not applied in backend.Not operator & pod restart
Expected results:
Configuration should applied and pod & operator should restart after config changes.
Additional info:
- blocks
OCPBUGS-20041 Hypershift Audit configuration not working for Hypershift HostedCluster
- New
OCPBUGS-20042 Hypershift Audit configuration not working for Hypershift HostedCluster
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-20041 Hypershift Audit configuration not working for Hypershift HostedCluster
- New
OCPBUGS-20020 Hypershift Audit configuration not working for Hypershift HostedCluster
- Closed
OCPBUGS-20042 Hypershift Audit configuration not working for Hypershift HostedCluster
- Closed
- links to
RHEA-2023:7198 rpm
- mentioned on