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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-12157

ProvisioningFailed: error generating accessibility requirements: no topology key found on CSINode


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done-Errata
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • 4.14.0
    • 4.13
    • Storage / Operators
    • None
    • Important
    • No
    • Rejected
    • False
    • Hide



      Description of problem:

      After adding FailureDomain topology as day-2 operation, I get ProvisioningFailed due to error generating accessibility requirements: no topology key found on CSINode ocp-storage-fxsc6-worker-0-fb977

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      pre-merge payload with opt-in CSIMigration PRs

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. I installed the cluster without specifying the failureDomains (so I got one which generated by installer)
      2. Added new failureDomain to test topology, and make sure all related resources(datacenterand ClusterComputeResource) are tagged in vsphere 
      3. create pvc but failed with provisioning:
      Warning ProvisioningFailed 80m (x14 over 103m) csi.vsphere.vmware.com_ocp-storage-fxsc6-master-0_a18e2651-6455-42b2-abc2-b3b3d197da56 failed to provision volume with StorageClass "thin-csi": error generating accessibility requirements: no topology key found on CSINode ocp-storage-fxsc6-worker-0-fb977
      4. Here is the node label and csinode info 
      $ oc get node ocp-storage-fxsc6-worker-0-b246w --show-labels 
      ocp-storage-fxsc6-worker-0-b246w Ready worker 8h v1.26.3+2727aff beta.kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,beta.kubernetes.io/os=linux,kubernetes.io/arch=amd64,kubernetes.io/hostname=ocp-storage-fxsc6-worker-0-b246w,kubernetes.io/os=linux,node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=,node.openshift.io/os_id=rhcos 
      $ oc get csinode ocp-storage-fxsc6-worker-0-b246w -ojson | jq .spec.drivers[].topologyKeys 
      5. other logs:
      I only find something in csi-driver-controller-8597f567f8-4f8z6 {"level":"info","time":"2023-04-17T10:30:13.352999527Z","caller":"k8sorchestrator/topology.go:326","msg":"failed to retrieve tags for category \"cns.vmware.topology-preferred-datastores\". Reason: GET https://ocp-storage.vmc.qe.devcluster.openshift.com:443/rest/com/vmware/cis/tagging/category/id:cns.vmware.topology-preferred-datastores: 404 Not Found","TraceId":"573c3fc8-e6cf-4594-8154-07bd514fcb46"}
      In the vpd pod, the tag check passed: I0417 11:05:02.711093 1 util.go:110] Looking for CC: workloads-02 I0417 11:05:02.766516 1 zones.go:168] ClusterComputeResource: ClusterComputeResource:domain-c5265 @ /OCP-DC/host/workloads-02 I0417 11:05:02.766622 1 zones.go:64] Validating tags for ClusterComputeResource:domain-c5265. I0417 11:05:02.813568 1 zones.go:81] Processing attached tags I0417 11:05:02.813678 1 zones.go:90] Found Region: region-A I0417 11:05:02.813721 1 zones.go:96] Found Zone: zone-B I0417 11:05:02.834718 1 util.go:110] Looking for CC: qe-cluster/workloads-03 I0417 11:05:02.844475 1 reflector.go:559] k8s.io/client-go@v0.26.1/tools/cache/reflector.go:169: Watch close - *v1.ConfigMap total 7 items received I0417 11:05:02.890279 1 zones.go:168] ClusterComputeResource: ClusterComputeResource:domain-c9002 @ /OCP-DC/host/qe-cluster/workloads-03 I0417 11:05:02.890406 1 zones.go:64] Validating tags for ClusterComputeResource:domain-c9002. I0417 11:05:02.946720 1 zones.go:81] Processing attached tags I0417 11:05:02.946871 1 zones.go:96] Found Zone: zone-C I0417 11:05:02.946917 1 zones.go:90] Found Region: region-A I0417 11:05:02.946965 1 vsphere_check.go:242] CheckZoneTags passed 

      Actual results:

      Provisioning failed.

      Expected results:

      Provisioning should be succeed.

      Additional info:


            hekumar@redhat.com Hemant Kumar
            wduan@redhat.com Wei Duan
            Wei Duan Wei Duan
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
