Description of problem:
when cluster with abnormal operator status , run the `oc adm must-gather` will exit with code 1 .
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Actual results:
[36m[must-gather ] OUT deleted[0m [36m[0m [36m[0m [36mReprinting Cluster State:[0m [36mWhen opening a support case, bugzilla, or issue please include the following summary data along with any other requested information:[0m [36mClusterID: 0ba6ca81-e6d8-4d15-b345-70f81bd5a005[0m [36mClusterVersion: Stable at "4.13.0-0.nightly-2023-04-01-062001"[0m [36mClusterOperators:[0m [36m clusteroperator/cloud-credential is not upgradeable because Upgradeable annotation on object needs updating before upgrade. See Manually Creating IAM documentation for instructions on preparing a cluster for upgrade.[0m [36m clusteroperator/ingress is progressing: ingresscontroller "test-34166" is progressing: IngressControllerProgressing: One or more status conditions indicate progressing: DeploymentRollingOut=True (DeploymentRollingOut: Waiting for router deployment rollout to finish: 0 of 1 updated replica(s) are available...[0m [36m).[0m [36mNot all ingress controllers are available.[0m [36m[0m [36m[0m [36m[0m [36mSTDERR:[0m [36merror: yaml: line 7: did not find expected key[0m[0m [36m[33m[08:06:46] INFO> Exit Status: 1 Expected results: {code:none} abnormal status of any of the operators should not affect must-gather's exit code
Additional info:
- links to
RHSA-2023:5006 OpenShift Container Platform 4.14.z security update