Resolution: Duplicate
CLOUD Sprint 234, CLOUD Sprint 235
This bug is a clone of OCPBUGS-11143 for out-of-tree Azure CCM provider.
This is the same regression we had in in-tree legacy azure provider, but for out-of-tree Azure CCM provider, which we are migrating to to in 4.14.
Description of problem:
On azure, delete a master, old machine stuck in Deleting, some pods in cluster are in ImagePullBackOff, check from azure console, new master did not add into lb backend, seems this lead the machine has no internet connection.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Set up a cluster on Azure, networkType ovn 2. Delete a master 3. Check master and pod
Actual results:
Old machine stuck in Deleting, some pods are in ImagePullBackOff. $ oc get machine NAME PHASE TYPE REGION ZONE AGE zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-0 Deleting Standard_D8s_v3 westus 160m zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-1 Running Standard_D8s_v3 westus 160m zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-2 Running Standard_D8s_v3 westus 160m zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-flqqr-0 Running Standard_D8s_v3 westus 105m zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-worker-westus-dhwfz Running Standard_D4s_v3 westus 152m zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-worker-westus-dw895 Running Standard_D4s_v3 westus 152m zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-worker-westus-xlsgm Running Standard_D4s_v3 westus 152m $ oc describe machine zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-flqqr-0 -n openshift-machine-api |grep -i "Load Balancer" Internal Load Balancer: zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-internal Public Load Balancer: zhsunaz2132-5ctmh $ oc get node NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-0 Ready control-plane,master 165m v1.26.0+149fe52 zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-1 Ready control-plane,master 165m v1.26.0+149fe52 zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-2 Ready control-plane,master 165m v1.26.0+149fe52 zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-flqqr-0 NotReady control-plane,master 109m v1.26.0+149fe52 zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-worker-westus-dhwfz Ready worker 152m v1.26.0+149fe52 zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-worker-westus-dw895 Ready worker 152m v1.26.0+149fe52 zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-worker-westus-xlsgm Ready worker 152m v1.26.0+149fe52 $ oc describe node zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-flqqr-0 Warning ErrorReconcilingNode 3m5s (x181 over 108m) controlplane [k8s.ovn.org/node-chassis-id annotation not found for node zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-flqqr-0, macAddress annotation not found for node "zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-flqqr-0" , k8s.ovn.org/l3-gateway-config annotation not found for node "zhsunaz2132-5ctmh-master-flqqr-0"] $ oc get po --all-namespaces | grep ImagePullBackOf openshift-cluster-csi-drivers azure-disk-csi-driver-node-l8ng4 0/3 Init:ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-cluster-csi-drivers azure-file-csi-driver-node-99k82 0/3 Init:ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-cluster-node-tuning-operator tuned-bvvh7 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-dns node-resolver-2p4zq 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-image-registry node-ca-vxv87 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-machine-config-operator machine-config-daemon-crt5w 1/2 ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-monitoring node-exporter-mmjsm 0/2 Init:ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-multus multus-4cg87 0/1 ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-multus multus-additional-cni-plugins-mc6vx 0/1 Init:ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-ovn-kubernetes ovnkube-master-qjjsv 0/6 ImagePullBackOff 0 113m openshift-ovn-kubernetes ovnkube-node-k8w6j 0/6 ImagePullBackOff 0 113m
Expected results:
Replace master successful
- clones
OCPBUGS-11143 [Azure] Replace master failed as new master did not add into lb backend
- Closed