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  1. OpenShift Bugs
  2. OCPBUGS-10656

create image command erroneously logs that Base ISO was obtained from release


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      This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-9949. The following is the description of the original issue:

      Description of problem:

      When creating an image for arm, i.e. using:
        architecture: arm64
      and running
      $ ./bin/openshift-install agent create image --dir ./cluster-manifests/ --log-level debug
      the output indicates the the correct base iso was extracted from the release:
      INFO Extracting base ISO from release payload     
      DEBUG Using mirror configuration                   
      DEBUG Fetching image from OCP release (oc adm release info --image-for=machine-os-images --insecure=true --icsp-file=/tmp/icsp-file347546417 registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/release:4.13) 
      DEBUG extracting /coreos/coreos-aarch64.iso to /home/bfournie/.cache/agent/image_cache, oc image extract --path /coreos/coreos-aarch64.iso:/home/bfournie/.cache/agent/image_cache --confirm --icsp-file=/tmp/icsp-file3609464443 registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/4.13-2023-03-09-142410@sha256:e3c4445cabe16ca08c5b874b7a7c9d378151eb825bacc90e240cfba9339a828c 
      INFO Base ISO obtained from release and cached at /home/bfournie/.cache/agent/image_cache/coreos-aarch64.iso 
      DEBUG Extracted base ISO image /home/bfournie/.cache/agent/image_cache/coreos-aarch64.iso from release payload 
      When in fact the ISO was not extracted from the release image and the command failed:
      ERROR failed to write asset (Agent Installer ISO) to disk: cannot generate ISO image due to configuration errors 
      FATAL failed to fetch Agent Installer ISO: failed to generate asset "Agent Installer ISO": provided device /home/bfournie/.cache/agent/image_cache/coreos-aarch64.iso does not exist

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:

      every time

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Set architecture: arm64  for all hosts in install-config.yaml 
      2. Run the openshift-install command as above
      3. See the log messages and the command fails

      Actual results:

      Invalid messages are logged and command fails

      Expected results:

      Command succeeds

      Additional info:


            bfournie@redhat.com Robert Fournier
            openshift-crt-jira-prow OpenShift Prow Bot
            Manoj Hans Manoj Hans
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