Resolution: Done
ShiftStack Sprint 233, ShiftStack Sprint 234
Bug Fix
This is a clone of issue OCPBUGS-10558. The following is the description of the original issue:
Description of problem:
When running a cluster on application credentials, this event appears repeatedly: ns/openshift-machine-api machineset/nhydri0d-f8dcc-kzcwf-worker-0 hmsg/173228e527 - pathological/true reason/ReconcileError could not find information for "ci.m1.xlarge"
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Happens in the CI (https://prow.ci.openshift.org/view/gs/origin-ci-test/pr-logs/pull/openshift_release/33330/rehearse-33330-periodic-ci-shiftstack-shiftstack-ci-main-periodic-4.13-e2e-openstack-ovn-serial/1633149670878351360).
Steps to Reproduce:
1. On a living cluster, rotate the OpenStack cloud credentials 2. Invalidate the previous credentials 3. Watch the machine-api events (`oc -n openshift-machine-api get event`). A `Warning` type of issue could not find information for "name-of-the-flavour" will appear. If the cluster was installed using a password that you can't invalidate: 1. Rotate the cloud credentials to application credentials 2. Restart MAPO (`oc -n openshift-machine-api get pods -o NAME | xargs -r oc -n openshift-machine-api delete`) 3. Rotate cloud credentials again 4. Revoke the first application credentials you set 5. Finally watch the events (`oc -n openshift-machine-api get event`) The event signals that MAPO wasn't able to update flavour information on the MachineSet status.
Actual results:
Expected results:
No issue detecting the flavour details
Additional info:
Offending code likely around this line: https://github.com/openshift/machine-api-provider-openstack/blob/bcb08a7835c08d20606d75757228fd03fbb20dab/pkg/machineset/controller.go#L116
- blocks
OCPBUGS-10954 MAPO failing to retrieve flavour information after rotating credentials
- Closed
- clones
OCPBUGS-10558 MAPO failing to retrieve flavour information after rotating credentials
- Closed
- is blocked by
OCPBUGS-10558 MAPO failing to retrieve flavour information after rotating credentials
- Closed
- is cloned by
OCPBUGS-10954 MAPO failing to retrieve flavour information after rotating credentials
- Closed
- links to