Resolution: Unresolved
Description of problem:
While deploying many SNOs, more than half showed the common-config policy as NonCompliant because Observability also modifies the cluster-monitoring-config. Depending on which modifies the configmap first results in if the policy will end up Compliant or NonCompliant.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
HUB OCP 4.11.2 SNO OCP 4.9.46 ACM 2.6 RC2 - 2.6.0-DOWNSTREAM-2022-08-26-01-33-09 Observability enabled
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. 2. 3.
Actual results:
# oc get policy -n sno00007 NAME REMEDIATION ACTION COMPLIANCE STATE AGE ztp-common.common-config-policy inform NonCompliant 46h ztp-common.common-subscriptions-policy inform Compliant 46h ztp-group-du-sno.du-upgrade-platform-upgrade inform Compliant 25h ztp-group-du-sno.du-upgrade-platform-upgrade-prep inform Compliant 25h ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-log-policy inform Compliant 46h ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-policy inform Compliant 46h ztp-group.group-du-sno-config-storage-policy inform Compliant 46h
Expected results:
All policies to be compliant
Additional info:
Originally it was thought that openshift-monitoring was modifying the configmap and the original bug was opened here - https://issues.redhat.com/browse/OCPBUGS-870
You can see that the endpoint-monitoring-operator modified the configmap last making the policy fall out of compliance:
# oc --kubeconfig=/root/hv-vm/sno/manifests/sno00007/kubeconfig get cm -n openshift-monitoring cluster-monitoring-config -o yaml --show-managed-fields=true apiVersion: v1 data: config.yaml: | alertmanagerMain: nodeSelector: null resources: null tolerations: null volumeClaimTemplate: null enableUserWorkload: null grafana: nodeSelector: null tolerations: null http: null k8sPrometheusAdapter: null kubeStateMetrics: null openshiftStateMetrics: null prometheusK8s: additionalAlertManagerConfigs: - apiVersion: v2 bearerToken: key: token name: observability-alertmanager-accessor pathPrefix: / scheme: https staticConfigs: - alertmanager-open-cluster-management-observability.apps.bm-stage.rdu2.scalelab.redhat.com tlsConfig: ServerName: "" ca: key: service-ca.crt name: hub-alertmanager-router-ca insecureSkipVerify: false externalLabels: cluster: 3f2759fc-42e3-4851-8099-5f5ad646f171 logLevel: "" nodeSelector: null remoteWrite: null resources: null retention: 24h tolerations: null volumeClaimTemplate: null prometheusOperator: null telemeterClient: null thanosQuerier: null kind: ConfigMap metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-09-06T16:12:13Z" managedFields: - apiVersion: v1 fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: f:data: {} manager: config-policy-controller operation: Update time: "2022-09-06T16:12:13Z" - apiVersion: v1 fieldsType: FieldsV1 fieldsV1: f:data: f:config.yaml: {} manager: endpoint-monitoring-operator operation: Update time: "2022-09-06T16:14:53Z" name: cluster-monitoring-config namespace: openshift-monitoring resourceVersion: "21926" uid: d2cad672-4f6e-40d2-8d1b-f760668e48bf
- is duplicated by
OCPBUGS-870 cluster-monitoring-config was replaced during ZTP policy rollout
- Closed
- is related to
ACM-2949 Observability writing null config values to DU profile maintained configuration causes policies to show non-compliant
- Closed
ACM-4538 (ACM 2.6) Configuration for Observability needed
- Closed
ACM-5623 (ACM 2.7) Configuration for Observability needed
- Closed
ACM-5624 (ACM 2.8) Configuration for Observability needed
- Closed
- is triggering
ACM-1845 RFE Provide the Policy merge capability within stream data contained in a ConfigMap
- Closed