Resolution: Done
BU Features
XCMSTRAT-1005 - M2: htpasswd expanded UI
OCMUI Center Team Sprint 266, OCMUI Center Team Sprint 267
When viewing the htpasswrd on the IDP page, there will be an option to "Edit users" in the action row of each htpasswrd IDP if the user has the feature gate enabled. The edit option will only be enabled if the user is an admin user.
When a user activates either the link or the action, the user is taken to a htpasswrd IDP details page. This page consists of a list of users for the chosen IDP page. The user list is paginated and can be sorted and filtered by name. If there are no results (either because the htpasswrd does not have users or by filtering), then the PatternFly's empty state will be shown (see https://v5-archive.patternfly.org/components/empty-state#no-match-found).
This detail page will have a unique URL that can be bookmarked. If a user goes to this direct url without the feature gate or is not an admin for the corresponding cluster, then the user will be navigated back to the IDP list on the cluster details page.
NOTE: delete is not part of this story. While "edit" isn't technically correct yet - it will be used as the action text)
NOTE: The name of the page title and the breadcrumbs is incorrect in the mock up. They should be "View identity provider: htpasswrd".
Technical details
To get the actual users for a given htpasswrd IDP, a secondary API call is needed to:
GET /api/clusters_mgmt/v1/clusters/{cluster_id}/identity_providers/{identity_provider_id}/htpasswd_users
It is unknown if this endpoint supports pagination, sorting, and/or filtering. If not, the UI will need to download all users for a given htpasswrd IDP and do the pagination, sorting, and filtering on the client.
- depends on
OCMUI-2970 Create feature gate to hide editing htpasswrd users
- Closed
- is depended on by
OCMUI-834 Edit HTPasswd users: Add bulk deletion
- To Do
OCMUI-2968 Edit password for a single htpasswrd user
- In Progress
OCMUI-2967 Remove a single user from a htpasswrd IDP
- Code Review
OCMUI-2969 Add user to an existing htpasswrd IDP
- Code Review
- is related to
OCMUI-3087 Add link to the htpasswd details page on IDP page
- To Do
OCMUI-3088 Determine proper ux when a user doesn't have access to edit the htpasswd IDP
- To Do
- links to