Resolution: Done
XCMSTRAT-161 - OSD & ROSA Classic scale to and upgrade with 249 nodes
Description of the Problem
During the ROSA or OSD cluster creation, user has updated some of the cluster autoscaling definition i.e. max-nodes-total , max-node-grace-period values from "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" model from machine pool step. User has proceed to the next steps and came back to machine pool step either using "back" option in wizard step or "Edit step" from "Review and create" step. In both situation, the previously changed cluster autoscaling definition from "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" didn't retained. This really create a bad behavior in wizard flow and need to fix it.
See the recording attached Screen Recording 2024-12-16 at 1.51.31 PM.mov
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Open OCM UI staging
- Launch a ROSA classic or OSD(CCS) wizard.
- Fill all required definition in each step of wizard and reach to "Default machine pool" step.
- Enable the checkbox "Enable autoscaling".
- Click on "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" button.
- Update cluster autoscaling definition ex: change the value of max-nodes-total , max-node-grace-period.
- Click "Close" button.
- Click on "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" button again.
- See the changed cluster autoscaling definition.
- Click "Close" button.
- Proceed to next steps from wizard and reach to "Review and create" step.
- Click "Edit step" link associated to "Default machine pool" section.
Click "Back" button from wizard until you reach "Default machine pool" step. - Click on "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" button.
- See the changed cluster autoscaling definition.
Actual results:
At step 9, The updated cluster autoscaling definition during step 6 from "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" model is retained
At step 14, The updated cluster autoscaling definition from "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" model reset to default values and all changes updated at step 6 were not retained.
Expected results:
At step 14, The updated cluster autoscaling definition from "Edit cluster autoscaling settings" model should not reset to default values and all changes updated at step 6 should be retained.