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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-2576

[OCM-UI] Something went wrong sentry error is shown to the user when Add console URL button is clicked

    • ACM Console Sprint 261

      Steps to Reproduce

      1) Launch staging environment

      2) Go to the multiRegion cluster list page (https://console.dev.redhat.com/openshift/cluster-list?multiregion=true)
      3) Click on any existing OCP cluster that does not have the Open console button enabled.

      4) Once the cluster is on the cluster details page, click the Add console URL button.

      Expected Result
      Add console URL modal should be opened

      Actual Result

      Something went wrong Sentry error is shown to the user 

      This issue can be reproduced 100% on all browsers.

      I think the real issue is in this component src/components/clusters/commonMultiRegion/ClusterActionsDropdown/ClusterActionsDropdownItems.jsx] within this MR.

              kdoberst Kim Doberstein
              lamarach@redhat.com LAKSHMI SHIVANTHI AMARACHINTHA
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