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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-2446

MultiRegion/RQ Cluster actions => Edit/Add console URL

    • ACM Console Sprint 260, ACM Console Sprint 262

      Add the edit/add console url option for the cluster actions on the multiRegion versions of the cluster list and cluster detail pages.

      How to test:

      • Go to the multiRegion version of the cluster list (https://console.dev.redhat.com/openshift/cluster-list?multiregion=true)
      • Click on the action menu (three vertical kebab dots) and choose "Edit console URL"
      • Change the URL and click on "Edit"
      • Verify that the console URL is changed without errorĀ 
      • Click on a cluster to go to the cluster details
      • Click on the action menu (three vertical kebab dots) and choose "Edit console URL"
      • Change the name and click on "Edit"
      • Verify that the console URL is changed without errorĀ 

              kdoberst Kim Doberstein
              kdoberst Kim Doberstein
              Jason Loss Jason Loss
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              4 Start watching this issue
