Description of problem:
The Account and roles step in wizard indicated the failure related to OCM role as below. The error indication in UI claims that can't detect the OCM role and link suggest to create the new ocm role. But that's actually wrong. The OCM role is available and linked to the org already. Some reason the backend calls were failing to fetch the roles and not because of missing roles.
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Open OCM UI staging.
- Launch ROSA wizard.
- Go to "Account and roles" sections.(Sorry, I don't have exact step to reproduce the behavior but it looks to me if multiple sts_account_roles requests are sent)
- Click cancel while loading the ARNs
- Repeat the step 2 to 4.
- See the behavior.
Actual results:
At step 6, the error mentioned above reported in ROSA wizard page that indicated undetected ocm role definition with a link ask user to create a new role. It looks wrong as there is a ocm role linked to org already.
Expected results:
Improve the error message and avoid misleading definition when there is different reason in UI failed to load the ocm role. In this case, the indication to user to do a refresh on the ARN role and try again will help to solve it.