Resolution: Unresolved
Konflux migration
Strategic Investments
In Progress
71% To Do, 14% In Progress, 14% Done
OCMUI Core Sprint 260, OCMUI Core Sprint 262
Lyn is working on a refinement spike to re-evaluate existing child stories/tasks against current guidelines.
Integrate Konflux as a build system.
On-boarding is done via HCC (i.e. at console.redhat.com):
- You go to the applications page, add a new app, tie it to your quay-repo & code-repo, and then configure the app's (Konflux) build pipeline
- You then contribute some more changes via git, to a Konflux data repository, to set up deployment stuff
- ... And return to HCC UI to configure some test-integrations
- Will any of this work replace our current CI/CD? Which parts will be made obsolete?
- Which rollout stage will Konflux cover - build or deployment?
mrodin addressed these questions, defining the migration-scope to be any build pipelines which are defined in app-interface, and are pushing images to quay.
In our case, this would be the Jenkins PL build jobs (covering both container-based & non-container-based jobs, which trigger pr_check.sh, build_deploy.sh and push_to_insights.sh, respectively), and possibly test jobs ("smoke-tests").
- Will Konflux support both Jenkins and Cypress?
Looks like it - you have to declare your desired outcomes (see "LIST OF OUTCOMES" in the dashboard user-guide), by linking your on-boarding ticket to other tickets. Tho some parts might be beyond Konflux's scope (see previous answer).
The "smoke-tests" pipeline is defined in app-interface, so is in-scope here. Looks like that's handled by jmekkatt@redhat.com - it appears app-sre/ocmui-cypress-tests has been recently added to the images spreadsheet.
- Does Konflux handle both container-based and non-container-based pipelines? (We still need to support both ATM for FedRAMP)
Apparently - the answer to the prev' question applies here too.
- The images spreadsheet only includes app-sre/uhc-portal (and now also app-sre/ocmui-cypress-tests); what about quay images created for Cypress jobs (e.g. build-cache)? Do we need to add them to the spreadsheet?
Cypress related images are stored in a PaaS repo, and not in quay (see images.paas.redhat.com/organization/ocm_team). We might have to take additional steps for this migration, or it might not be possible. See discussion in the Konflux ticket.
- The pr-check Jenkins job declares node: rhel8-spot. How does this affect the migration?
- Which Konflux instance group to choose: Public or Private?
According to the docs, we should choose Private, as we need access to internal GitLab repo.