Please refer to parent for feature overview, goals, and use stories.
- User Story #2: As a cluster owner/administrator, I need to configure and customize the Service Log notifications.
- [P0] OCM provides a list of all available rule-based notifications that are available part of the managed cloud service.
- [P0]OCM allows for destination of notification (OCM notification, Email notification or External Webhook notification) for specific rule.
- [P0]OCM allows for configuring "variables" that feed into the rules that allow for overriding the default thresholds when the notification is fired.
- [P0] OCM allows for customers to opt out (instead of opt-in) completely from a particular type of notification (enabled/disabled).
- [P1] OCM allows for configuring a destination.
- [P1]OCM supports minimal severity for which notification is triggered.
- [P2] OCM allows for assigning notifier (OCM Org user) to particular type of notification (e.g., X gets all alerts for rule-1 while Y gets all alerts for rule-2).
- [P2] OCM supports mapping specific users to different levels of Severity. (i.e., User-1 gets all Critical while User-2 gets all)
- [P2]OCM allows for configuring the frequency of a notification - each event, daily or weekly.
- [P2] OCM allows for snoozing ad-hoc (snooze for 2 hours etc) or based on schedule (e.g., snooze on Mon-Fri).
DOD: Training materials supplied to Support/SRE |
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DOD: Docs completed and merged |
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DOD: All known issues captured and blockers resolved |
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DOD: All work items belonging to this Epic are complete |
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DOD: Code merged for regular build/release testing in the HAC Common CI/CD framework |
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DOD: CI runs successfully with test automation |
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DOD: Automated/Integrated tests complete |
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DOD: Architectural artifacts completed, reviewed and stored |
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DOD: Product Manager and UX signed off on solution |
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