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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-1728

[ROSA v2 wizard] PrivateLink definition shown as "Disabled" from "Review and create" step of a ROSA HCP private cluster


    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • OCM Core Sprint 253

      Description of problem:

      In ROSA Hypershift wizard flow, User has selected Cluster privacy as "Private" in "Networking> Cluster privacy" step. The "Review and create" page shown the cluster privacy definition as private as expected but PrivateLink property definition shown as disabled and it should be enabled for ROSA HCP private cluster.
      Issue seen only in ROSA v2 not in ROSA v1 wizard.

      See the recording PrivateLinkV2IssueVsV1Wizard.mp4

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Open OCM UI staging 
      2. Launch https://console.dev.redhat.com/openshift/create/rosa/wizard?rosaV2=true 
      3. Select the control plane as hosted and reach to "Networking>Configuration" step.
      4. Select cluster privacy as "Private" and proceed to next steps.
      5. Reach to "Review and create" step.
      6. Review the definition from "Networking" section.

      Actual results:

      At Step 6, PrivateLink property set to "Disabled" for a private HCP cluster.

      Expected results:

      At Step 6, PrivateLink property should be  "Enabled" for a private HCP cluster.

            robertoemanuel Roberto Emanuel
            jmekkatt@redhat.com Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
            Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam Jayakrishnan Mekkattillam
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