• Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • UI for ROSA Lockbox
    • False
    • False
    • To Do
    • XCMSTRAT-544 - ROSA "Approved Access" (was Lockbox)
    • 67% To Do, 0% In Progress, 33% Done
    • OCM Core Sprint 253, OCMUI Core Sprint 254, OCMUI Core Sprint 255, OCMUI Core Sprint 256

      Today, via Microsoft, SRE access to ARO clusters is governed by a system called Lockbox, that provides a customer approval system for any actions by SRE on customer clusters. Many customers expect this kind of approval-first approach for when it is necessary that SRE takes action on a customer cluster.  To meet customer expectations with ROSA, we plan to implement a similar system in Red Hat for the ROSA fleet (ROSA Classic and ROSA HCP). 

      This epic is for the Lockbox List view:

      • Where is the list view in the OCM UI?  Another tab in Cluster Details?  A link-n-lauch to a modal from the Cluster details Overview tab?
      • There is also the ability to list lockbox requests per Org, which might be out of scope as this epic is talking about lockbox requests per cluster
        Although, in the cluster list we do differenciate between 'my clusters' and 'all clusters in my org' via the 'View Only My Clusters' toggle; so we could have a similar 'View Only My Lockbox Requests'?  -is that something org admins would want?
      • In the Lockbox List view:
        • Filters? ("Filter by name..." input box and/or  'type' dropdowns (Approved, Declined))
        • Column sorting?
        • What are the columns? (see API doc link below)
        • Row kabob actions? (approve?)

      Draft: OCM Approval API 

      UX Contact:  juhale@redhat.com.  OCMUX-78 is in 'consulting support' mode so I imagine ui dev will need to make rudimentary mockups if required.

        1. screenshot-1.png
          159 kB
          Enrique Mingorance Cno

            emingora Enrique Mingorance Cno
            dtaylor@redhat.com David Taylor
            Jason Loss Jason Loss
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