• Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • None
    • A-Team
    • Update React Router to v6
    • 13
    • True
    • Hide

      Assisted Installer needs to use React Router 5

      Assisted Installer needs to use React Router 5
    • True
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done


      • Affects assisted-installer code/team (used in ACM and OCM)
      • There is a compatability layer
      • Insights would like all tenents to use v6 singleton
      • Going to v6 paves the way for single page with content from multiple teams

      From HCC/Insights team:

      "The router package react-router-dom has undergone a lot of changes in it latest v6 major release. Frontend applications in HCC are on a v5 which is no longer the LTS. Migration to V6 comes with some challenges. Mainly a router context can no longer be nested.
      This means our applications have to adapt to the new changes."

      On Jan 9th 2023 HCC moved to React router v6.




      File Issue MR
      src/components/App/Router.tsx OCMUI-1299 5051
      src/components/clusters/CreateClusterPage/CreateClusterPage.jsx OCMUI-1304 5052
      src/components/clusters/ClusterDetails/components/IdentityProvidersPage/IdentityProvidersPage.jsx OCMUI-1307 5061
      src/components/clusters/ClusterDetails/ClusterDetailsClusterOrExternalId.jsx (ClusterDetailsRedirector + InsigntsRedirector) OCMUI-1310 5071
      src/components/clusters/ClusterDetails/components/AccessControl/IDPSection/IDPSection.jsx OCMUI-1325 5074
      src/components/clusters/wizards/osd/CreateOsdWizard.tsx OCMUI-1404 !5152
      Redirect components update OCMUI-1430 !5188
      Link components update OCMUI-1429 !5182
      Term Guarded routes OCMUI-1330 !5149
      ClusterList filters OCMUI-1397 !5166
      src/components/clusters/ClusterDetails/components/TabsRow/TabsRow.tsx OCMUI-1417 !5174
      OCMUI-1418 !5164
      src/components/downloads/DownloadsPage/DownloadsPage.jsx OCMUI-1329 !5141
      src/components/clusters/InsightsAdvisorRedirector/InsightsAdvisorRedirector.jsx src/components/clusters/ClusterDetailsRedirector/ClusterDetailsRedirector.jsx src/components/clusters/ClusterDetails/ClusterDetailsClusterOrExternalId.jsx OCMUI-1310 !5071
      src/components/clusters/ClusterDetails/components/IdentityProvidersPage/IdentityProvidersPage.jsx OCMUI-1307 !5061
      Installer components OCMUI-1394 !5132
      src/components/clusters/CreateClusterPage/CreateClusterPage.jsx OCMUI-1304 !5052

      Tracking spreadsheet

              jschuler_kafka_devexp Joachim Schuler
              dtaylor@redhat.com David Taylor
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
