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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-1643

[ROSA V2]: Cluster auto-scaling capability always shown to be off

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • Core UI
    • False
    • False

      "Autoscaling" section is not shown when it should (i.e. when the organization cluster-autoscale capability is toggled on).

      Steps to reproduce

      1. Make sure the ROSA V2 feature is switched on (via Unlease, or locally via query param)
      2. Navigate to the ROSA wizard
      3. Fill in any required data, and progress to the Cluster Settings / Machine Pool step (1)
      4. Progress to the Review step (2)

      Expected result

      The "Autoscaling" section should appear at (1) and (2), if the appropriate capability is switched on

      Actual result

      The "Autoscaling" section is missing at (1) and (2), regardless of capabilities

            emalka@redhat.com Eliran Malka
            emalka@redhat.com Eliran Malka
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            1 Start watching this issue
