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  1. OCMUI - OpenShift Cluster Manager UI
  2. OCMUI-1587

Remove warnings & errors from unit tests - Failed props

    • 3
    • True
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      As part of removing Enzyme a lot of the errors are being removed. This story should start only after OCMUI-529 and OCMUI-593 are completed and merged.

      As part of removing Enzyme a lot of the errors are being removed. This story should start only after OCMUI-529 and OCMUI-593 are completed and merged.
    • True
    • ACM Console Sprint 252

      The purpose of this task is to remove any warnings in the console for passing unit tests. This task specifically addresses warnings around "Failed prop type". There are currently 82 instances of this issue when the unit tests are run

      console.error Warning: Failed prop type: The prop `username` is marked as required in `ClusterList`, but its value is `undefined`.

      This can happen for 2 reasons - that the PropTypes definition is truly incorrect or that the wrong data is passed during the test. For each instance, the root cause will need to be determined and addressed.

      Note that this may be a duplicate of OCMUI-596. After completing this ticket, OCMUI-596 will need to be re-analyzed to see if there is any extra work needed to complete OCMUI-596 before that story is closed

            kdoberst Kim Doberstein
            dtaylor@redhat.com David Taylor
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
