Description of problem:
A user assigned with OSD standard quota ( for creating an OSD cluster with "RedHat" infrastructure type) as 1. User was allowed to create a cluster from wizard and successfully created cluster. Once the OSD standard quota was consumed when user tried to create another OSD cluster with "RedHat" infrastructure type from Billing model , there was no indication that quota was consumed and user allowed to proceed to all the steps without any notification from wizard side. But while submitting the cluster backend reported the error as below.
The same case even for the CCS cluster quota as well.
Quota limits
Response from<orgid>/quota_cost?fetchRelatedResources=true&fetchCloudAccounts=true
{ "allowed": 1, "consumed": 1, "href": "/api/accounts_mgmt/v1/organizations/1eU7aV6UsNntnnCN4u0PX452kh8/quota_cost", "kind": "QuotaCost", "organization_id": "1eU7aV6UsNntnnCN4u0PX452kh8", "quota_id": "cluster|general-purpose|single|rhinfra|osd|any", "related_resources": [ { "availability_zone_type": "single", "billing_model": "standard", "byoc": "rhinfra", "cloud_provider": "any", "cost": 2, "product": "OSD", "resource_name": "standard-8", "resource_type": "cluster" }, { "availability_zone_type": "single", "billing_model": "standard", "byoc": "rhinfra", "cloud_provider": "any", "cost": 2, "product": "OSD", "resource_name": "gp.medium", "resource_type": "cluster" }, { "availability_zone_type": "single", "billing_model": "standard", "byoc": "rhinfra", "cloud_provider": "any", "cost": 4, "product": "OSD", "resource_name": "standard-16", "resource_type": "cluster" }, { "availability_zone_type": "single", "billing_model": "standard", "byoc": "rhinfra", "cloud_provider": "any", "cost": 4, "product": "OSD", "resource_name": "gp.large", "resource_type": "cluster" }, { "availability_zone_type": "single", "billing_model": "standard", "byoc": "rhinfra", "cloud_provider": "any", "cost": 1, "product": "OSD", "resource_name": "standard-4", "resource_type": "cluster" }, { "availability_zone_type": "single", "billing_model": "standard", "byoc": "rhinfra", "cloud_provider": "any", "cost": 1, "product": "OSD", "resource_name": "gp.small", "resource_type": "cluster" } ], "version": "3cf36dfe-06b3-454b-8bdd-b47356deb821" },
How reproducible:
Steps to reproduce:
- Launch OCM UI Staging.
- Login with a user has limited quota(ex: An OSD standard cluster quota is 1 i.e. this user could create only one OSD non ccs cluster with "RedHat" infrastructure type)
- Launch OSD wizard and create or submit for OSD cluster with "RedHat" infrastructure type.
- Check the quota limits.
- Launch OSD wizard and try to create another OSD cluster with "RedHat" infrastructure type.
- See the behavior.
Actual results:
At step 4, Once user created OSD non ccs cluster with "RedHat" infrastructure type, quota limit is reached.
At step 5, There was no indication in wizard that quota limit already exceeded and user allowed to proceed each step but while submission of cluster, the backend reported about the error.
Expected results:
At step 5, The Wizard shouldn't allow user to proceed to next steps since the quota limit is reached. At the billing model step itself user should be restricted with clear definition.
Probably respective infrastructure type selection should be disabled.
- is related to
OCMUI-1190 OCM UI Regression tests (in Staging) - Sprint 245
- Closed
- relates to
OCMUI-792 [OCM-OSD-wizard] Quota should reload every time user launches the OSD wizard
- Review
- mentioned on