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  1. Observability Documentation
  2. OBSDOCS-924

Structure of the Logging 5 documentation


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
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    • Logging 5.8, Logging 5.7, Logging 5.9
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      ISSUE 1

      https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.14/logging/troubleshooting/cluster-logging-cluster-status.html and all the sections inside `Logging > Troubleshooting logging`
      Logging - Viewing Logging status
      Logging - Troubleshooting log forwarding
      Logging - Troubleshooting logging alerts
      Logging - Viewing the status of the Elasticsearch log store


      It could make more sense to move the `Troubleshooting logging` to the end of the sections available in the Logging documentation. The different sections inside `Troubleshooting Logging` and the explained inside are related to aspects explained later across the Logging documentation.

      For a person arriving to the documentation new or even someone with knowledge will expect to read the documentation and at the end of it having a section for how to troubleshoot all the previous learn when trying to implement it.

      ISSUE 2

      Logging > Installing Logging
      Logging > Updating Logging
      Logging > Uninstalling Logging

      I could be expected to find together how to install, upgrade and uninstall. Reviewing the Logging documentation, it's found `Installing Logging` and `Updating Logging` together at the begining of the documentation and at the end of the sections is found `Uninstalling Logging`

      ISSUE 3

      Log collection and forwarding > Configuring log forwarding > Overview of API audit filter
      Log collection and forwarding > Configuring log forwarding > Forwarding application logs from specific projects
      Log collection and forwarding > Configuring log forwarding > Forwarding application logs from specific pods
      Logging > Performance and reliability tuning > Filtering logs by content
      Logging > Performance and reliability tuning > Filtering logs by metadata


      All the sections in this issue are for the same, it's "filtering" in some way, but, it's possible to see spread across different places in the documentation instead of being all together.

      Also, it could be recommended to put all these contents below something like "Filtering" instead of being in "Log Forwarding" or "Performance and reliability tuning".

      ISSUE 4

      Log collection and forwarding > Configuring log forwarding > Tuning log payloads and delivery
      Log collection and forwarding > Configuring the logging collector > Advanced configuration for the Fluentd log forwarder

      A section called "Tuning log payloads and delivery" where options are given for reliability, compression, etc could be expected to find below the section  "Performance and reliability tuning" as they impact directly to it.

      The same happens for "Advanced configuration for the Fluentd log forwarder", it sounds more for being in the Performance and reliability tuning section.

      ISSUE 5

      Logging > Troubleshooting logging > Troubleshooting logging alerts
      Logging > Log storage > Configuring the LokiStack log store > Troubleshooting Loki rate limit errors

      Below the documentation section Troubleshooting logging alerts should be expected to have also a section for Loki, but it doesn't exist.

      Then, as specific Troubleshooting section exists, it should be expected the section Troubleshooting Loki rate limit errors below the previous Troubleshooting logging alerts and not in the `Configuring the LokiStack log store` documentation section.

      ISSUE 6

      Installing Logging  has the sections Configuring Log Storage, Configuring the Log Collector and Configuring the Log Visualizer. But in posterior places from the documentation is possible to find the same "titles"  with the documentation properly updated.

      It could be better to put a link under installing logging to those sections:

      ISSUE 7

      Configuring your Logging Deployment section is covered under Log Collection and Forwarding →Configuring the Logging Collector and Log Storage. It could be better  suggest deleting the “Configuring your Logging Deployment” section.

      ISSUE 8

      OBSDOCS-1127 - Loki/Elasticsearch must be installed before the Cluster Logging Operator


              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-ocasalsa Oscar Casal Sanchez
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