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  1. Observability Documentation
  2. OBSDOCS-484

SASL mechanisms wrongly referenced for PLAIN and SCRAM


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • None
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    • Logging
    • 5
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    • False
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    • Bug Fix
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      Description of problem:

      Our Documentation on Forwarding logs to third party systems refernces sasl.mechanisms in a confusing and wrong way.

      The paragraph reads:


      sasl.mechanisms: (array) List of allowed SASL mechanism names. If missing or empty, the system defaults are used. 

      Where the code clearly indicates that only a string is accepted.


      func GetFromSecret(secret *corev1.Secret, name string) string {
              if secret != nil {
                      return string(secret.Data[name])
              return ""

      Futhermore, we need to make clear that sasl.mechanisms are ment for SCRAM methods only and not for differentiation between PLAIN or SCRAM.


      A working example of the three possible configuration (with 4.13 only SCRAM-256 is supported)

      SASL PLAIN configuration


         sasl.username: xxx
         sasl.password: xxx
         sasl.enable: True 


      SASL SCRAM-256 configuration


         sasl.username: xxx
         sasl.password: xxx
         sasl.enable: True
         sasl.mechanism: sha256 
      SASL SCRAM-512 configuration


         sasl.username: xxx
         sasl.password: xxx
         sasl.enable: True
         sasl.mechanism: sha512 

      the optional sasl_over_ssl is automatically added with adding SSL fields in the secret.data section.




      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      A valid configuration from Red Hat Openshift Logging < 5.7 will break with 5.7 due to the feature SASL-SCRAM-256 added, implemented with LOG-3314 

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. install Red Hat Openshift Logging 5.6
      2. configure SASL PLAIN 
        1. data: 
            sasl.username: xxx 
            sasl.password: xxx 
            sasl.enable: True 
            sasl.mechanism: PLAIN
      1. upgrade Red Hat Openshift Logging to 5.7

      Actual results:


      2023-08-21 12:53:43 +0000 [error]: unexpected error error_class=Kafka::SaslScramError error="SCRAM mechanism PLAIN is not supported." 


      Expected results:

      successful authentication

      Additional info:

      After consulting the Engineering Team, we consider this a Documentation Bug as there's a misunderstandig of the wording sasl.mechanisms. SASL provides multiple methods to authenticate like SASL-PLAIN, SASL-SCRAM-256, SASL-SCRAM-512.

      These are wrongly (human) interpreted as mechanisms which are auto determined by the underlying go library instead and mechanism differentiate the SCRAM mechanisms.

      We published a KCS to clarify the situation until this BZ is resolved.

              Unassigned Unassigned
              rhn-support-milang Michaela Lang
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