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  1. Observability Documentation
  2. OBSDOCS-381

Restructure tracing documentation to include Tempo


    • OBSDOCS (July 31-Aug 21) #240, OBSDOCS (Aug 21-Sep 11) #241, OBSDOCS (Sep 11 - Oct 2) #242

      Progress on this Jira is tracked in the engineering Jira it documents: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/TRACING-3288

      Our current product documentation is around how to use Jaeger and OpenTelemetry: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.13/distr_tracing/distributed-tracing-release-notes.html

      We need to introduce Tempo documentation, but due to the way the current documentation is written, there doesn't appear to be an easy place to add Tempo documentation without it being potentially confusing to users.

      We need to determine how to structure the documentation so that there are 3 distinct areas of the documentation (Jaeger, Tempo and OpenTelemetry).

            rhn-support-mleonov Max Leonov
            mwringe Matt Wringe
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
