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  1. Observability and Data Analysis Program
  2. OBSDA-169

Deploy elasticsearch operator in Openshift-logging namespace


    • Icon: Feature Feature
    • Resolution: Won't Do
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • Logging 5.4.0
    • PM Logging
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected

      Till logging 5.3 customer was able to deploy elasticsearch operator in 'openshift-logging' namespace but after 5.4 if the customer deploys elasticsearch operator in the `openshift-logging` namespace then kibana pod is not starting.


      Errors in elasticsearch Operator 5.4:

      {"_ts":"2022-06-20T17:14:18.610236923Z","_level":"0","_component":"elasticsearch-operator_controller_kibana-controller","_message":"Reconciler error","_error":{"cause":{"cause":{"ErrStatus":{"metadata":{},"status":"Failure","message":"ImageStream.image.openshift.io \"oauth-proxy\" not found","reason":"NotFound","details":{"name":"oauth-proxy","group":"image.openshift.io","kind":"ImageStream"},"code":404}},"msg":"failed to get ImageStream","name":"oauth-proxy","namespace":"openshift"},"msg":"Failed to get oauth-proxy image"},"name":"kibana","namespace":"openshift-logging"}

      Reason for the ask:

      Reason for installing the ES operator in openshift-logging was to avoid users from installing their own logging stack in different namespaces.


              rh-ee-rfloren Roger Florén
              rhn-support-aharchin Akhil Harchinder (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
