Description of problem:
Kopia not inheriting the proxy settings from RHOCP or, for some reason, be bypassing it.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
OADP 1.4
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. CU changes the uploaderTyper from restic to kopia but the backup goes partially failed since it cannot create a Backup Repository.
2. the other components of the backup performed by velero are uploaded to the s3 bucket and this can work only by passing through CU's https_proxy;
3. CU have observed those components on the s3 bucket by using the s3cmd command;
Actual results:
Phase: PartiallyFailed (run `velero backup logs schedule-bck-martinellis-20250102093845` for more information) Errors: Velero: name: /httpd-sample-659d957d75-7h75n message: /Error backing up item error: /failed to wait BackupRepository, errored early: backup repository is not ready: error to connect to backup repo: error to connect to storage: error retrieving storage config from bucket "ocp-rgs-test": Get "": dial tcp connect: connection timed out
Expected results:
After changing from restic to kopia, the correct proxy as defined in OCP should be used and the backups should work as expected.
Additional info:
OADP must-gather and cluster must-gather available on SFDC case 04022205.