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  1. OpenShift API for Data Protection
  2. OADP-4821

Part 2: Document incremental backup support for VM's


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • OADP 1.4.2
    • OADP 1.4.1
    • Documentation
    • 13
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • ToDo
    • 0
    • 0.000
    • Very Likely
    • 0
    • None
    • Unset
    • Unknown
    • None

      We have a few customer questions and we'll get more.

      I would expect documentation to work on this in two parts.

      1. part #1. Clearly express support for incremental backup of VM's using CSI Datamover backups.
      2. part #2.  Would be a more indepth explanation and ways to tune. Performance expectations etc.


      I would see this expression of support added to the following sections.

      1. [ https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.16/backup_and_restore/application_backup_and_restore/installing/installing-oadp-kubevirt.html|https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.16/backup_and_restore/application_backup_and_restore/installing/installing-oadp-kubevirt.html]
      2. https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/4.16/backup_and_restore/application_backup_and_restore/installing/about-oadp-1-3-data-mover.html
      1. 1 should reference VM's and incremental backup.
      1. 2.  The incremental backup support is NOT specific to VM's.  Kopia will incrementally backup container volumes as well.


      This bug should just be PART #1.

      Part #1 - Expression of support - Please reword because my handle the English language is subpar at best.


      OADP supports incremental backups of PV's using either volumeMode: block or filesystem via Kopia.  
      OADP supports incremental backups for both container based or OpenShift Virtualization workloads.
      Container based workloads can utilize filesystem or CSI DataMover OADP backup types to utilize incremental backups.
      OpenShift Virtual Machines can be backed up with either CSI and CSI DataMover backups.  CSI DataMover backups with VM's will utilize kopia's splitting and hashing utilities to incrementally backup a Virtual Machine to off cluster storage.






              rhn-support-shdeshpa Shruti Deshpande
              wnstb Wes Hayutin
              Prasad Joshi Prasad Joshi
              1 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
