• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • OADP 1.0.3
    • None
    • Documentation
    • None
    • False
    • Hide


    • True
    • Passed
    • OADP Sprint 216, OADP Sprint 217, OADP Sprint 218
    • 3
    • 0
    • 0
    • 0

      For version 1.0.3 and after which contains this patch (see parent task),

      === Start of requested changes ===
      You can specify Velero loglevel in DataProtectionApplication resource as shown in the example below.

      apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
      kind: DataProtectionApplication
        name: velero-sample
            logLevel: warning

      If you are on versions prior to 1.0.3 please upgrade to access this option.
      === End of requested changes ===

      === Below for reference only but do not document it downstream === Steps for 1.0.2 or older ===
      For versions before you will have to modify velero deployments directly. Pre-requisite to this would be to reduce oadp-controller-manager deployment replica to 0 so it doesn't reconcile and override the changes.
      before the steps mentioned after subheading "Velero pod debug logs" can proceed, the following prerequisites are required.

      • Edit replica of openshift-adp-controller-manager deployment to 0 inside OADP ClusterServiceVersion
        You can do this from web interface by going to OpenShift Web Console Administrator view > Operators > Installed Operators > namespace > OADP Operator > YAML
        which is equivalent to navigating to <openshift-web-console>/k8s/ns/openshift-adp/operators.coreos.com~v1alpha1~ClusterServiceVersion/oadp-operator.v1.0.2/yaml (example link for oadp-operator version v1.0.2)

        You can do change the replica to 0 in CLI with
        oc patch $(oc get csv -n openshift-adp -oname | grep oadp) -n openshift-adp --patch '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/replicas", "value": 0 }]' --type=json

      If you need OADP Operator to process your DataProtectionApplication again set replicas back to 1.

      oc patch $(oc get csv -n openshift-adp -oname | grep oadp) -n openshift-adp --patch '[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/install/spec/deployments/0/spec/replicas", "value": 1 }]' --type=json

              rhn-support-sbeskin Sasha Beskin
              tkaovila@redhat.com Tiger Kaovilai
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
