Resolution: Done
Very Likely
Description of problem:
I noticed a test started failing recently due to recent message field change. Looks colon has been added recently to the podVolumeBackup message field.
status: completionTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:19:01Z" message: ': get a podvolumebackup with status "InProgress" during the server starting, mark it as "Failed"' phase: Failed progress: {} startTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:18:56Z"
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
OADP 1.4.0 (Installed via oadp-1.4 branch)
OCP 4.16
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Create a DPA with setting smaller limits on nodeAgent pod.
$ oc get dpa ts-dpa -o yaml apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: DataProtectionApplication metadata: creationTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:55:23Z" generation: 1 name: ts-dpa namespace: openshift-adp resourceVersion: "162377" uid: 9257dc14-2568-4abe-a2b8-410432145aa5 spec: backupLocations: - velero: credential: key: cloud name: cloud-credentials-gcp default: true objectStorage: bucket: oadp82541zqmld prefix: velero-e2e-51ee78d6-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a provider: gcp configuration: nodeAgent: enable: true podConfig: resourceAllocations: limits: cpu: 100m memory: 50Mi requests: cpu: 50m memory: 10Mi uploaderType: restic velero: defaultPlugins: - openshift - gcp - kubevirt podDnsConfig: {} snapshotLocations: [] status: conditions: - lastTransitionTime: "2024-06-04T11:55:23Z" message: Reconcile complete reason: Complete status: "True"
2. Deploy a stateful application
$ oc get pod -n test-oadp-231 NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE django-psql-persistent-1-build 0/1 Completed 0 2m18s django-psql-persistent-1-deploy 0/1 Completed 0 105s django-psql-persistent-1-wbwhh 1/1 Running 0 104s postgresql-1-deploy 0/1 Completed 0 2m17s postgresql-1-msnw8 1/1 Running 0 2m16s
3. Create filesystem backup (Note:- Backup is expected to fail in this case as we have set very small limits)
oc get backup backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a -o yaml apiVersion: velero.io/v1 kind: Backup metadata: annotations: velero.io/resource-timeout: 10m0s velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-gitversion: v1.29.5+87992f4 velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-major-version: "1" velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-minor-version: "29" creationTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:14Z" generation: 7 labels: velero.io/storage-location: ts-dpa-1 name: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a namespace: openshift-adp resourceVersion: "163387" uid: e6c54302-f6ca-4a8c-9406-f83e8c9b3337 spec: csiSnapshotTimeout: 10m0s defaultVolumesToFsBackup: true hooks: {} includedNamespaces: - test-oadp-231 itemOperationTimeout: 4h0m0s metadata: {} snapshotMoveData: false storageLocation: ts-dpa-1 ttl: 720h0m0s status: completionTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:26Z" errors: 1 expiration: "2024-07-04T11:57:14Z" formatVersion: 1.1.0 hookStatus: {} phase: PartiallyFailed progress: itemsBackedUp: 90 totalItems: 90 startTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:14Z" version: 1 warnings: 4
Actual results:
PodVolumeBackup CR has incorrect message.
oc get podvolumebackup -o yaml backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a-h6sf7 apiVersion: velero.io/v1 kind: PodVolumeBackup metadata: annotations: velero.io/pvc-name: postgresql creationTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:15Z" generateName: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a- generation: 3 labels: velero.io/backup-name: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a velero.io/backup-uid: e6c54302-f6ca-4a8c-9406-f83e8c9b3337 velero.io/pvc-uid: b1ad14da-223b-42b3-aee6-f906c5d8e5c8 name: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a-h6sf7 namespace: openshift-adp ownerReferences: - apiVersion: velero.io/v1 controller: true kind: Backup name: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a uid: e6c54302-f6ca-4a8c-9406-f83e8c9b3337 resourceVersion: "163355" uid: f721d4b5-1ab4-44f0-8775-5cddbc0bf685 spec: backupStorageLocation: ts-dpa-1 node: oadp-82541-zqmld-worker-a-2zbhr pod: kind: Pod name: postgresql-1-msnw8 namespace: test-oadp-231 uid: fac6b2dc-f59a-4c2c-8040-204fdf65acfb repoIdentifier: gs:oadp82541zqmld:/velero-e2e-7789e47c-225f-11ef-b036-845cf3eff33a/restic/test-oadp-231 tags: backup: backup1-5294a049-2269-11ef-bd2e-845cf3eff33a backup-uid: e6c54302-f6ca-4a8c-9406-f83e8c9b3337 ns: test-oadp-231 pod: postgresql-1-msnw8 pod-uid: fac6b2dc-f59a-4c2c-8040-204fdf65acfb pvc-uid: b1ad14da-223b-42b3-aee6-f906c5d8e5c8 volume: postgresql-data uploaderType: restic volume: postgresql-data status: completionTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:20Z" message: ': get a podvolumebackup with status "InProgress" during the server starting, mark it as "Failed"' phase: Failed progress: {} startTimestamp: "2024-06-04T11:57:15Z"
Expected results:
Replace the get word with found and remove the colon
Message:- found a podvolumebackup with status \"InProgress\" during the server starting, mark it as \"Failed\"
Additional info:
Verified with 1.4.1-20
2. Deploy a stateful application
3. Triggred a backup
Note: Verified the log message has the keyword 'found' instead of 'get' and doesn't have the ":" symbol in the message field.