Resolution: Unresolved
NAC, non-admin-controller Non-admin backup/restore
Not Selected
In Progress
29% To Do, 57% In Progress, 14% Done
Very Likely
Epic Goal
Provide OADP customers that allows non cluster admins to backup and restore namespace scoped applications. Essentially self-service of backup and restore functions for OpenShift users.
Why is this important?
OpenShift Cluster admins often work in a decentralized administrative environment where creating a backup for users is a poor use of their time and skills. Allowing non-cluster admins like namespace admins to initiate backup and restore operations is more efficient.
Acceptance Criteria (Mandatory)
- Backup and restore operations for nonclusteradmins work with equivalence to clusteradmin backup and restore operations.
- nonclusteradmins can create and use backup storage locations (BSL)
- nonclusteradmins can discover the queue of backups/restores as a queue of work that that needs to reach terminal status prior the execution of their backup/restore operatons. E.G. A queue of backups / restores
- Install and configuration is done via the OADP DPA
- Multiple namespaces across the cluster with different nonclusteradmins can perform backup and restore
Development work:
- Default development docs: https://github.com/migtools/oadp-non-admin/tree/master/docs
- Design
- Implementation
- Devel Documentation
QE Acceptance Criteria
- Install via OADP operator is successful
- Configuration of non-admin feature is successful via DPA
- Backup and Restore works for sample application executed by non-clusteradmin user.
- incorporates
OADP-5043 Need specific examples of RBAC settings for installing OADP in multiple namespaces
- Closed
- is depended on by
OADP-5157 OADP-1.5.0
- New
- is related to
OADP-5212 [Documentation for] NAC, non-admin-controller Non-admin backup/restore
- Closed
- relates to
OADP-4001 [DOC] Document support NAC, non-admin-controller Non-admin backup/restore with OADP 1.5.0
- Planning