Resolution: Not a Bug
OADP 1.2.0
Very Likely
Description of problem:
Restore partially fails if not excluding vmi and the dv that created the VM disk (pvc).
If excluding those resources, restore will finish successfully (csi / DM)
The error:
test-oadp-259: error restoring datavolumes.cdi.kubevirt.io/test-oadp-259/test-vm-dv: admission webhook "datavolume-validate.cdi.kubevirt.io" denied the request: Destination PVC test-oadp-259/test-vm-dv already exists error restoring virtualmachineinstances.kubevirt.io/test-oadp-259/test-vm: admission webhook "virtualmachineinstances-create-validator.kubevirt.io" denied the request: creation of the following reserved kubevirt.io/ labels on a VMI object is
AFAIU: Once the vm resource is restored since it was in status running
it is expected to launch another virt-launch pod and create a VMI. If trying to restore the previous VMI after there is already one, it might make sense if it does succeed.
Regarding the DV,
Also, make sense the process will not be able to create another PV with the same name (The DV is only for downloaidng and creating the disk (pvc) for the VM, according to the VM manifest.
I believe we should at least document this.
Step to reproduce
apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1 kind: DataProtectionApplication metadata: creationTimestamp: "2023-06-29T13:00:14Z" generation: 4 name: dpa namespace: openshift-adp resourceVersion: "24245542" uid: 4bf0205b-0f73-4099-b1d8-d921009b1e22 spec: backupLocations: - velero: config: insecureSkipTLSVerify: "true" profile: default region: minio s3ForcePathStyle: "true" s3Url: credential: key: cloud name: cloud-credentials-minio default: true objectStorage: bucket: kubevirt prefix: velero provider: aws configuration: velero: defaultPlugins: - openshift - aws - csi - vsm features: dataMover: enable: true
create a Namespace and deploy the following VM
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1 kind: VirtualMachine metadata: name: test-vm namespace: test-kubvirt spec: dataVolumeTemplates: - metadata: annotations: cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.deleteAfterCompletion: 'false' name: test-vm-dv spec: pvc: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 5Gi storageClassName: ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd source: registry: pullMethod: node url: 'docker://quay.io/kubevirt/fedora-with-test-tooling-container-disk' running: true template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: test-vm spec: domain: devices: disks: - disk: bus: virtio name: volume0 - disk: bus: virtio name: volume1 interfaces: - macAddress: '02:d9:bd:00:00:AA' masquerade: {} name: default rng: {} machine: type: q35 resources: requests: memory: 256M networks: - name: default pod: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 volumes: - dataVolume: name: test-vm-dv name: volume0 - cloudInitNoCloud: networkData: |- ethernets: eth0: addresses: - fd10:0:2::2/120 dhcp4: true gateway6: fd10:0:2::1 match: {} nameservers: addresses: - search: - default.svc.cluster.local - svc.cluster.local - cluster.local version: 2 name: volume1
Note the DV that was created when the VM was deployed (to download the fedora image)
and the vmi (because we set running: true)
[amosmastbaum@fedora oadp-apps-deployer]$ oc get vmi NAME AGE PHASE IP NODENAME READY test-vm 78s Running mtv88-25qcc-worker-0-kjcx2 True [amosmastbaum@fedora oadp-apps-deployer]$ oc get dv NAME PHASE PROGRESS RESTARTS AGE test-vm-dv Succeeded 100.0% 2m19s
wait for the VMI status AgentConnected
$ oc wait vmi oadp-270-1 -n test-kubvirt --for=condition=AgentConnected --timeout=1m && echo OK!
virtualmachineinstance.kubevirt.io/oadp-270-1 condition met
run backup:
apiVersion: velero.io/v1 kind: Backup metadata: annotations: velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-gitversion: v1.25.10+8c21020 velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-major-version: "1" velero.io/source-cluster-k8s-minor-version: "25" creationTimestamp: "2023-06-29T14:20:42Z" generation: 5 labels: velero.io/storage-location: dpa-1 name: backup-dm-3 namespace: openshift-adp resourceVersion: "24249631" uid: d48b5529-5c9f-48d2-a0e4-8e749e198b7e spec: csiSnapshotTimeout: 10m0s defaultVolumesToFsBackup: false hooks: {} includedNamespaces: - test-oadp-259 itemOperationTimeout: 1h0m0s metadata: {} storageLocation: dpa-1 ttl: 720h0m0s
remove the NC
oc delete ns/kubvirt
run restore
apiVersion: velero.io/v1 kind: Restore metadata: creationTimestamp: "2023-06-29T14:26:01Z" generation: 9 name: restore-dm namespace: openshift-adp resourceVersion: "24256509" uid: e223e167-4ef1-4335-9206-3412000a0401 spec: backupName: backup-dm-3 excludedResources: - nodes - events - events.events.k8s.io - backups.velero.io - restores.velero.io - resticrepositories.velero.io - csinodes.storage.k8s.io - volumeattachments.storage.k8s.io - backuprepositories.velero.io hooks: {} includedNamespaces: - '*' itemOperationTimeout: 1h0m0s
Restore partially fails
test-oadp-259: error restoring datavolumes.cdi.kubevirt.io/test-oadp-259/test-vm-dv: admission webhook "datavolume-validate.cdi.kubevirt.io" denied the request: Destination PVC test-oadp-259/test-vm-dv already exists error restoring virtualmachineinstances.kubevirt.io/test-oadp-259/test-vm: admission webhook "virtualmachineinstances-create-validator.kubevirt.io" denied the request: creation of the following reserved kubevirt.io/ labels on a VMI object is
Name: restore-dm Namespace: openshift-adp Labels: <none> Annotations: <none>Phase: PartiallyFailed (run 'velero restore logs restore-dm' for more information) Total items to be restored: 48 Items restored: 48Started: 2023-06-29 17:26:01 +0300 IDT Completed: 2023-06-29 17:27:56 +0300 IDTWarnings: Velero: <none> Cluster: could not restore, CustomResourceDefinition "clusterserviceversions.operators.coreos.com" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, CustomResourceDefinition "datavolumes.cdi.kubevirt.io" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, CustomResourceDefinition "virtualmachineinstances.kubevirt.io" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, CustomResourceDefinition "virtualmachines.kubevirt.io" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, ClusterRoleBinding "openshift-pipelines-clusterinterceptors" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. Namespaces: test-oadp-259: could not restore, ConfigMap "kube-root-ca.crt" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, ConfigMap "openshift-service-ca.crt" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, ClusterServiceVersion "openshift-pipelines-operator-rh.v1.11.0" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, ClusterServiceVersion "volsync-product.v0.7.2" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "system:deployers" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "system:image-builders" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "system:image-pullers" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "admin" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "openshift-pipelines-edit" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "pipelines-scc-rolebinding" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "system:deployers" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "system:image-builders" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version. could not restore, RoleBinding "system:image-pullers" already exists. Warning: the in-cluster version is different than the backed-up version.Errors: Velero: <none> Cluster: <none> Namespaces: test-oadp-259: error restoring datavolumes.cdi.kubevirt.io/test-oadp-259/test-vm-dv: admission webhook "datavolume-validate.cdi.kubevirt.io" denied the request: Destination PVC test-oadp-259/test-vm-dv already exists error restoring virtualmachineinstances.kubevirt.io/test-oadp-259/test-vm: admission webhook "virtualmachineinstances-create-validator.kubevirt.io" denied the request: creation of the following reserved kubevirt.io/ labels on a VMI object is prohibitedBackup: backup-dm-3Namespaces: Included: all namespaces found in the backup Excluded: <none>Resources: Included: * Excluded: nodes, events, events.events.k8s.io, backups.velero.io, restores.velero.io, resticrepositories.velero.io, csinodes.storage.k8s.io, volumeattachments.storage.k8s.io, backuprepositories.velero.io Cluster-scoped: autoNamespace mappings: <none>Label selector: <none>
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Expected results:
Additional info:
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1 kind: VirtualMachine metadata: annotations: kubemacpool.io/transaction-timestamp: "2023-06-29T15:08:43.056759174Z" kubevirt.io/latest-observed-api-version: v1 kubevirt.io/storage-observed-api-version: v1alpha3 creationTimestamp: "2023-06-29T15:08:42Z" generation: 1 name: test-vm namespace: test-oadp-259 resourceVersion: "24308537" uid: 26e611f1-9f5f-4cfc-bb7e-7487e93b670e spec: dataVolumeTemplates: - metadata: annotations: cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.deleteAfterCompletion: "false" creationTimestamp: null name: test-vm-dv spec: pvc: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 5Gi source: registry: pullMethod: node url: docker://quay.io/kubevirt/fedora-with-test-tooling-container-disk running: true template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: test-vm spec: domain: devices: disks: - disk: bus: virtio name: volume0 - disk: bus: virtio name: volume1 interfaces: - macAddress: "06:01:01:05:03:04" masquerade: {} name: default rng: {} machine: type: q35 resources: requests: memory: 256M networks: - name: default pod: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 volumes: - dataVolume: name: test-vm-dv name: volume0 - cloudInitNoCloud: networkData: |- ethernets: eth0: addresses: - fd10:0:2::2/120 dhcp4: true gateway6: fd10:0:2::1 match: {} nameservers: addresses: - search: - default.svc.cluster.local - svc.cluster.local - cluster.local version: 2 name: volume1 status: conditions: - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: "2023-06-29T15:09:49Z" status: "True" type: Ready - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: null message: 'cannot migrate VMI: PVC test-vm-dv is not shared, live migration requires that all PVCs must be shared (using ReadWriteMany access mode)' reason: DisksNotLiveMigratable status: "False" type: LiveMigratable - lastProbeTime: "2023-06-29T15:10:26Z" lastTransitionTime: null status: "True" type: AgentConnected created: true printableStatus: Running ready: true volumeSnapshotStatuses: - enabled: true name: volume0 - enabled: false name: volume1 reason: Snapshot is not supported for this volumeSource type [volume1]
apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1 kind: VirtualMachineInstance metadata: annotations: kubevirt.io/latest-observed-api-version: v1 kubevirt.io/storage-observed-api-version: v1alpha3 creationTimestamp: "2023-06-29T15:09:39Z" finalizers: - kubevirt.io/virtualMachineControllerFinalize - foregroundDeleteVirtualMachine generation: 12 labels: kubevirt.io/nodeName: mtv88-25qcc-worker-0-kjcx2 name: test-vm namespace: test-oadp-259 ownerReferences: - apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: VirtualMachine name: test-vm uid: 26e611f1-9f5f-4cfc-bb7e-7487e93b670e resourceVersion: "24308543" uid: 5715c4dd-f5a1-403e-8f1a-48f88b75223e spec: domain: cpu: cores: 1 model: host-model sockets: 1 threads: 1 devices: disks: - disk: bus: virtio name: volume0 - disk: bus: virtio name: volume1 interfaces: - macAddress: "06:01:01:05:03:04" masquerade: {} name: default rng: {} features: acpi: enabled: true firmware: uuid: b39c846b-d6f8-5364-bd54-85b990b826b2 machine: type: q35 resources: requests: memory: 256M networks: - name: default pod: {} terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 volumes: - dataVolume: name: test-vm-dv name: volume0 - cloudInitNoCloud: networkData: |- ethernets: eth0: addresses: - fd10:0:2::2/120 dhcp4: true gateway6: fd10:0:2::1 match: {} nameservers: addresses: - search: - default.svc.cluster.local - svc.cluster.local - cluster.local version: 2 name: volume1 status: activePods: 0c52c11e-9626-4624-9590-5421c63006a2: mtv88-25qcc-worker-0-kjcx2 conditions: - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: "2023-06-29T15:09:49Z" status: "True" type: Ready - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: null message: 'cannot migrate VMI: PVC test-vm-dv is not shared, live migration requires that all PVCs must be shared (using ReadWriteMany access mode)' reason: DisksNotLiveMigratable status: "False" type: LiveMigratable - lastProbeTime: "2023-06-29T15:10:26Z" lastTransitionTime: null status: "True" type: AgentConnected guestOSInfo: id: fedora kernelRelease: 5.6.6-300.fc32.x86_64 kernelVersion: '#1 SMP Tue Apr 21 13:44:19 UTC 2020' name: Fedora prettyName: Fedora 32 (Cloud Edition) version: "32" versionId: "32" interfaces: - infoSource: domain, guest-agent interfaceName: eth0 ipAddress: ipAddresses: - mac: "06:01:01:05:03:04" name: default queueCount: 1 launcherContainerImageVersion: registry.redhat.io/container-native-virtualization/virt-launcher@sha256:d0006af62737fa43b55458f08e0e393d916f3ad45586b6324a2ba0e2794ec00a migrationMethod: BlockMigration migrationTransport: Unix nodeName: mtv88-25qcc-worker-0-kjcx2 phase: Running phaseTransitionTimestamps: - phase: Pending phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2023-06-29T15:09:39Z" - phase: Scheduling phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2023-06-29T15:09:39Z" - phase: Scheduled phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2023-06-29T15:09:49Z" - phase: Running phaseTransitionTimestamp: "2023-06-29T15:09:52Z" qosClass: Burstable runtimeUser: 107 selinuxContext: system_u:object_r:container_file_t:s0:c43,c738 virtualMachineRevisionName: revision-start-vm-26e611f1-9f5f-4cfc-bb7e-7487e93b670e-1 volumeStatus: - name: volume0 persistentVolumeClaimInfo: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce capacity: storage: 5Gi filesystemOverhead: "0.055" requests: storage: 5Gi volumeMode: Filesystem target: vda - name: volume1 size: 1048576 target: vdb
apiVersion: cdi.kubevirt.io/v1beta1 kind: DataVolume metadata: annotations: cdi.kubevirt.io/storage.deleteAfterCompletion: "false" creationTimestamp: "2023-06-29T15:08:43Z" generation: 18 labels: kubevirt.io/created-by: 26e611f1-9f5f-4cfc-bb7e-7487e93b670e name: test-vm-dv namespace: test-oadp-259 ownerReferences: - apiVersion: kubevirt.io/v1 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: VirtualMachine name: test-vm uid: 26e611f1-9f5f-4cfc-bb7e-7487e93b670e resourceVersion: "24307567" uid: 424e857f-ebd9-49ae-94fb-69307342259a spec: pvc: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 5Gi source: registry: pullMethod: node url: docker://quay.io/kubevirt/fedora-with-test-tooling-container-disk status: claimName: test-vm-dv conditions: - lastHeartbeatTime: "2023-06-29T15:08:43Z" lastTransitionTime: "2023-06-29T15:08:43Z" message: PVC test-vm-dv Bound reason: Bound status: "True" type: Bound - lastHeartbeatTime: "2023-06-29T15:09:39Z" lastTransitionTime: "2023-06-29T15:09:39Z" status: "True" type: Ready - lastHeartbeatTime: "2023-06-29T15:09:08Z" lastTransitionTime: "2023-06-29T15:09:08Z" message: Import Complete reason: Completed status: "False" type: Running phase: Succeeded progress: 100.0%