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  1. OpenShift API for Data Protection
  2. OADP-128

Backup/Restore stateful application with CSI snapshots of OCS 4 always stuck at awaiting reconciliation of volumesnapshot


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • OADP 1.0.0
    • OADP 1.0.0
    • None
    • False
    • False
    • ToDo
    • 0
    • 0
    • 0
    • Untriaged

      Backup/Restore stateful application with CSI snapshots of OCS 4 always stuck at awaiting reconciliation of volumesnapshot. 

      The OADP I am using is upstream 0.4.2. following is the steps:

      1. Set up OCP 4.9 on GCP
      2. install OCS4 via OperatorHub
      3. create StorageCluster
        1. Select mode:  Internal
        2. Select Capacity:  StorageClass= standard
        3. Network: Default (SDN)
      4. 3. Register csi drivers as VolumeSnapshotClass
      ## Register csi driver as VolumeSnapshotClass
      apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
      kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
        name: csi-rbd-example
          velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class: "true"
      driver: openshift-storage.rbd.csi.ceph.com
      deletionPolicy: Retain
      ## Register csi driver as VolumeSnapshotClass
      apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
      kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
        name: csi-cephfs-example
          velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class: "true"
      driver: openshift-storage.cephfs.csi.ceph.com
      deletionPolicy: Retain
      1. deploy application with ocs-storagecluster-cephfs storageclass
        $ oc -n mysql-persistent-csi get pvc
        NAME    STATUS   VOLUME                                     CAPACITY   ACCESS MODES   STORAGECLASS                AGE
        mysql   Bound    pvc-f889719e-03d3-4cfa-a94a-afb313c41d14   10Gi       RWO            ocs-storagecluster-cephfs   74m

      error for backup:

      time="2021-11-09T10:59:47Z" level=info msg="Waiting for volumesnapshotcontents snapcontent-a1454a1d-ab7e-4672-8883-3314f96b3472 to have snapshot handle. Retrying in 5s" backup=openshift-adp/mysql-persistent cmd=/plugins/velero-plugin-for-csi logSource="/opt/app-root/src/velero-plugin-for-csi/internal/util/util.go:182" pluginName=velero-plugin-for-csi
      time="2021-11-09T10:59:47Z" level=error msg="Timed out awaiting reconciliation of volumesnapshot mysql-persistent-csi/velero-mysql-fl2sg" backup=openshift-adp/mysql-persistent cmd=/plugins/velero-plugin-for-csi logSource="/opt/app-root/src/velero-plugin-for-csi/internal/util/util.go:191" pluginName=velero-plugin-for-csi
      time="2021-11-09T10:59:47Z" level=info msg="1 errors encountered backup up item" backup=openshift-adp/mysql-persistent logSource="pkg/backup/backup.go:431" name=mysql-7d99fc949-2lxjl
      time="2021-11-09T10:59:47Z" level=error msg="Error backing up item" backup=openshift-adp/mysql-persistent error="error executing custom action (groupResource=volumesnapshots.snapshot.storage.k8s.io, namespace=mysql-persistent-csi, name=velero-mysql-fl2sg): rpc error: code = Unknown desc = timed out waiting for the condition" logSource="pkg/backup/backup.go:435" name=mysql-7d99fc949-2lxjl
      time="2021-11-09T10:59:47Z" level=info msg="Backed up 4 items out of an estimated total of 46 (estimate will change throughout the backup)" backup=openshift-adp/mysql-persistent logSource="pkg/backup/backup.go:398" name=mysql-7d99fc949-2lxjl namespace=mysql-persistent-csi progress= resource=pods

            tkaovila@redhat.com Tiger Kaovilai
            xjiang@redhat.com Xin Jiang
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
