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  1. repository.jboss.org/nexus
  2. NEXUS-113

Release steps 7.6.0 - Upgrade of Nexus to 2.1.1


      Pre-release steps

      1. [D] Download the installation RPM nexus-2.1.1-1.el5.x86_64.rpm. It has been removed from brew, but it is on staging machine in /tmp directory

      Release steps

      1. [D] set up the outage page redirect. You can use the same page we use for Magnolia as the target.
      2. [D] Wait till the sheduled disk backup is complete
      3. [D] Install the RPM
      4. [D] Add nexus.properties into Puppet. The file is attached to this issue. It contains a configuration, that will be different on staging and in production. eloqua-url will be "http://www.stage.redhat.com" on staging, while in production it shall be "http://www.redhat.com". This file is at this moment in this directory: /services/nexus/nexus-professional-2.0.6/conf, however the directory changes according to Nexus version change (in this release 2.1.1)
      5. [D] Create /services/nexus/sonatype-work/nexus/plugin-repository/eloqua.tracking-1.0.0 directory
      6. [D] Add eloqua.tracking-1.0.0.jar (attached to this issue) to Puppet. Puppet shall copy the file to the directory specified in previous step.
      7. [D] Check the existence of tmp folder. Its owner must be jetty. (It shall be in /services/nexus/nexus-professional-2.1.1)
      8. [D] go to bin/jsw/linux-x86-64 of the unpacked new version and start the new version
        ./nexus start
      9. [D,H] check the nexus-gc.log for errors
      10. [H] access the web interface, go to Administration->Server and enable Force Base URL (on staging only)
      11. [H] check the functionality
      12. [D] remove the redirect to the maintenance page


      1. [D] stop the new version of nexus
      2. [D] ask IT to revert the disk to the last backup
      3. [D] start Nexus service
      4. [H] check the functionality
      5. [D] remove the redirect to the maintenance page

            dhladky@redhat.com David Hladky
            dhladky@redhat.com David Hladky
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