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  1. Network Observability
  2. NETOBSERV-1706

Console plugin sometimes shows "ready" error

    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • netobserv-1.7
    • netobserv-1.6, netobserv-1.6-candidate
    • Console Plugin
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      Known issue:
      When Loki is disabled, the Console plugin might sometimes display, on first load, an error mentioning "Request failed with status code 400 Loki is disabled"
      As a workaround, you can simply continue navigating in the Network Traffic page, such as switching between the Topology and the Overview tabs: the error should disappear.
      Known issue: When Loki is disabled, the Console plugin might sometimes display, on first load, an error mentioning "Request failed with status code 400 Loki is disabled" As a workaround, you can simply continue navigating in the Network Traffic page, such as switching between the Topology and the Overview tabs: the error should disappear.
    • Known Issue
    • NetObserv - Sprint 255, NetObserv - Sprint 256

      Description of problem:

      When running netobserv with Loki disabled, sometimes the console plugin shows an error on the "/ready" endpoint (which is supposed to be about Loki). Also, before that query, there's a query made for "max_chunk_age" which returns an error and is probably what triggers the "ready" query
      I haven't been able to reproduce consistently. I'll update this ticket if I find a way. But in any case, I guess there should not be any query to "ready" or "max_chunk_age" when loki is disabled?

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Install netobserv with Loki disabled
      2. open the console plugin, and check the javascript console (network)
      3. refresh the page to trigger network calls


      JS console shows calls in error to "ready" and "max_chunk_age" (they shouldn't)
      Sometimes the error is displayed on the GUI, sometimes not.

            jtakvori Joel Takvorian
            jtakvori Joel Takvorian
            Amogh Rameshappa Devapura Amogh Rameshappa Devapura
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
