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  1. Network Observability
  2. NETOBSERV-1435

Duplicate Id fields in Query Summary panel when PacketDrop enabled

    • NetObserv - Sprint 246
    • Moderate

      Description of problem:

      When the Query summary fields are inspected on browser, their Id's are duplicated for bytesCnt, packetCnt and bpsCnt when PacketDrop feature is enabled

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deploy latest downstream version of operator
      2. Deploy flowcollector with PacketDrop enabled
      3. Go to Netflow-traffic page and click on Query Summary panel
      4. Right-click and inspect on the results

      Actual results:

      Duplicate Id's are present for different metrics 

      Expected results:

      Unique Id's should be present

            jpinsonn@redhat.com Julien Pinsonneau
            rhn-support-aramesha Amogh Rameshappa Devapura
            Amogh Rameshappa Devapura Amogh Rameshappa Devapura
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
