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  1. Network Observability
  2. NETOBSERV-1283

Not able to monitor Multus/SRIOV traffic on Network Observability Operator

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    • False
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      Previously, the Network Observability agents were not able to capture traffic on network interfaces when configured with Multus/SRIOV (non-default network namespaces).
      Now, all available network namespaces are recognized and used for capturing flows, allowing capturing traffic for SRIOV. This requires eBPF agents to be configured to run as privileged.
      Previously, the Network Observability agents were not able to capture traffic on network interfaces when configured with Multus/SRIOV (non-default network namespaces). Now, all available network namespaces are recognized and used for capturing flows, allowing capturing traffic for SRIOV. This requires eBPF agents to be configured to run as privileged.
    • NetObserv - Sprint 241
    • Important
    • Customer Escalated

      Description of problem: Not able to monitor Multus/SRIOV traffic on Network Observability Operator

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible: Always

      Actual results: Unable to see traffic of Multus interface on Network Observability Operator when Multus interface is attached.

      Expected results: we should be able to monitor traffic from Multus/SRIOV interface.

              mmahmoud@redhat.com Mohamed Mahmoud
              rhn-support-utgupta Utkarsh Gupta
              Mehul Modi Mehul Modi
              Sara Thomas Sara Thomas
              0 Vote for this issue
              16 Start watching this issue
