Resolution: Done-Errata
ALBO standard STS config via CCO
Strategic Portfolio Work
To Do
OCPSTRAT-235 - STS enablement for critical OLM-managed operators
0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done
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Establish a common and simplified configuration experience for the AWS ALB operator on STS-enabled clusters using the new, standardized configuration flow described in OCPBU-559. Users have a repeatable process to configure for the AWS ALB operator for STS with well-known inputs and behavior and can reuse the knowledge about that process with other operators.
Support for any older version of OCP than 4.14.
Today, the support for AWS STS authentication is well established in our core platform but fragmented at best among our layered products and OLM-managed operators. The configuration experience is also different between individual OLM-managed operators that support STS. OCPBU-4 aims to solve this for all cloud providers using the CloudCredentialOperator (CCO) and its CredentialRequest API.
Based on this, customers get a repeatable and simple experience of installing and configuring for the AWS ALB operator, or any OLM-managed operator that supports it, for tokenized authentication with their cloud provider.
The AWS ALB operator has been identified as one of the first critical operators to support that flow to act on customer feedback from ROSA and OSD customers.
Acceptance Criteria
- AWS ALB operator implements the standardized configuration flow for STS-enabled clusters using CCO and CredentialRequests described here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iFNpyycby_rOY1wUew-yl3uPWlE00krTgr9XHDZOTNo/edit#
- AWS ALB operator gracefully falls back to regular operations when no role ARN is provided
- AWS ALB operator degrades when the role ARN is provided but CCO does not reconcile the CredentialRequest (either due to a bug or due to running on an older than OCP 4.14 release)
- AWS ALB operator documents what specific IAM permissions are needed when integrating with AWS using STS and provides easy to consume instructions to create those
- AWS ALB operator supports this workflow and provides the documentation from 4.14 onwards
Risk and Assumptions
- Assumption: you don't currently have an existing way to integrate with STS
- Risk: if the above assumption is wrong, you need to deprecate this configuration flow in favor of the flow defined in
Documentation Considerations
- AWS ALB operator should rely on documentation the OLM portion of the OCP docs on how to carry out the configuration flow using either the OCP console or the CLI
- AWS ALB operator in its own documentation section shall supply the required IAM credential instructions
Open Questions
Additional Notes
- links to
RHEA-2023:123015 Release of AWS Load Balancer Operator on OperatorHub